Introducing the Fall 2019 CISE Seminar Series

With the new year, the CISE Seminar Series is back.  The new series will run from September to December 2019.

The CISE Seminar Series was born from: 1) the need and interest of the CISE to establish a practice of open discussion for the work in progress of its researchers; 2) the aim to establish and consolidate a network of scientific interaction relating the CISE within the LUISS research community (both in the Department of Political Science and in other departments) and with other universities in the Rome area.

As a result, it is open to any researcher wishing to present their empirical work in progress (both quantitative and qualitative) on issues of democratic representation broadly meant (e.g., but not limited to, electoral behavior, party competition, party systems, electoral legislation), from any scientific discipline.

We believe this provides a great opportunity for PhD students, postdocs and faculty engaged in empirical research to discuss their work with an audience that is not necessarily specialized in the specific field, thus providing wide-ranging feedback, and for the audience to learn about the everyday practice of empirical research in the social sciences.


Seminars will be held on Thursday from 13:00-14:00 in room 409 or 411 of the main building of the Viale Romania LUISS campus.

It is assumed that all participants have read the paper before the seminar, so that little time (usually 15-20’) will be dedicated to the paper presentation.

A light lunch will be provided for up to 20 participants; seating is limited, so please register in advance.

Calendar – Fall 2019 Series

In this new series, the seminars below will be offered. Registration links for each seminar will appear before the seminar, as well as paper download links after the seminar. ( Click here to register for the CISE Seminar Mailing List and receive weekly reminders and download links for all seminars. Click on any of the past seminars to download the paper. Click on the speaker’s name to view the video interview presenting the paper.

19 Sep.
What Can the “Gendered Psyche” tell us about the Gender Gap in Political Self-Confidence?
Marta Fraile (European University Institute)

03 Oct.
Cultural Background and Civic Culture in East Asia: the ‘Asian Values’ debate reexamined
Giuseppe Carteny (University of Milan)

10 Oct.
The Long-Term Electoral Legacies of Civil War in Young Democracies: Italy, 1946-1968
Stefano Costalli (University of Florence)

17 Oct. (Joint seminar organized by the CISE and the Department of Political ScienceLuiss Guido Carli)
Do Voters Reward Hard-Working MPs? A Case Study of the French Legislative Elections
Julien Navarro (Lille Catholic University)

24 Oct.
Too small (not) to fail? Testing the Effects of Municipal Amalgamations on Electoral Participation
Silvia Bolgherini (Universita’ di Napoli Federico II)

31 Oct.
On the Perils of Presidential Elections for the Stabilization of European Party Systems (1848-2018)
Fernando Casal Bértoa (The University of Nottingham)

14 Nov.
Ideology in Times of Crisis: A Principal Component Analysis of Votes in the European Parliament, 2004–2019
Nicolò Fraccaroli (University of Rome-Tor Vergata)

21 Nov.
Voting Behavior, Coalitions and Government Strength through a Complex Network Analysis
Alessandro Chessa (IMT, Institute for Advanced Studies of Lucca)

28 Nov.
The Italian electoral algorithm between political and territorial representation: a new procedure for the proportional allocation of seats
Andrea Scozzari (Unicusano)

12 Dec.
The roots of welfare chauvinism in western Europe: key processes behind
Irene Landini (Luiss-Guido Carli)


* indicates required

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