‘Voters’ Behavior and Party Competition in Turbulent Times’ summer school

We are glad to advertise the launch of the second edition of the summer school ‘Voters’ Behavior and Party Competition in Turbulent Times’. The course is promoted and organized by Luiss within the framework of the Luiss ‘Summer University in Advanced Political and Social Sciences’ program. The course is directed by Prof. Lorenzo De Sio and benefits from the expertise of several scholars and researchers from different Italian and foreign universities all collaborating in the CISE (Italian Center for Electoral Studies).

This course introduces students to the analysis of all aspects of the chain of representation (citizens, elections, parties) through the presentation of recent theories and empirical findings, and through interactive data analysis labs. By adopting a comparative and longitudinal perspective across European countries, the course aims at making students familiar with the evolution of party systems, party competition and voting behavior in Western Europe in the last decades, with a specific focus on the disruptive changes occurred in the last years. The course has an empirical approach, as data analysis goes hand in hand with theoretical explanations. Moreover, the course also provides students with networking opportunities, by adding dedicated meetings with leading figures and observers of European politics and institutions.

The course can be of interest to a wide variety of audiences. First of all, it is devoted M.A. students with a keen interest in contemporary politics or who want to start a career as journalists, lobbyists, political advisors or strategist. Second, given its emphasis on cutting-edge empirical research, the course may be of interest to all those PhD students focusing on political representation-related topics. Finally, the course is also devoted to practitioners and professionals: from journalists to lobbyists, from think-tank analysts to all specialists in the field of political communication and advice, up to local politicians and parliamentary staff.

By the end of the course students will be able to: 1) Know the fundamental theories related to party systems, party competition, and voting behavior; 2) Understand the evolution of party politics in comparative perspective and the disruptive challenges of contemporary politics in recent years; 3) Read and comment on electoral data.

Classes adopt a variety of teaching methods, including: 1) Traditional instructor’s lectures; 2) Seminar lectures with open discussion and debate among students moderated by the instructor; 3) Data lab classes based on analysis and comment on electoral data; 4) Dedicated meetings with leading figures and observers of European politics and institutions.

Schedule of classes and instructors

Lessons   Content/Material covered Instructor
28 June 2021 (9.00 – 11.00 am) What political conflicts, where and when? Dimensions of party competition in Western Europe Davide Angelucci (Luiss)
28 June 2021 (11.00am-1pm)   A new political conflict? Parties, voters and the European Union Luca Carrieri (University of Siena)
28 June 2021 (2.00pm – 4.00pm) Meet leading figures and observers of Italian politics and institutions Roberto D’Alimonte (Luiss)
28 June2021 (4.00pm – 6.00 pm) Data lab: analysis and comment on cross-national datasets Davide Angelucci (Luiss) and Luca Carrieri (University of Siena)
29 June 2021 (9.00 – 11.00 am) Why people vote the way they vote? Sociology of voting behavior Aldo Paparo (Luiss)
29 June 2021 (11.00am-1pm) Generations and voting behavior in Europe Nicola Maggini (University of Milan)
29 June2021 (3.00pm – 5.00 pm) Data lab: analysis and comment on cross-national datasets Aldo Paparo (Luiss) and Nicola Maggini (University of Milan)
30 June 2021 (9.00 – 11.00 am) Inside party strategy: Models of party competition Lorenzo De Sio (Luiss)
30 June 2021 (11.00am-1pm) The impact of institutions: how electoral systems shape the chain of representation Alessandro Chiaramonte (University of Florence)
30 June 2021 (2.00pm – 4.00 pm) Meet leading figures and observers of Italian politics and institutions Roberto D’Alimonte (Luiss)
30 June 2021 (4.00pm – 6.00 pm) Data lab: analysis and comment on cross-national datasets Lorenzo De Sio (Luiss)
1 July 2021 (9.00 – 11.00 am) The evolution of party systems Vincenzo Emanuele (Luiss)
1 July 2021 (11.00am-1pm) Challenger parties in turbulent times: Syriza, Podemos, and the Five Star Movement Davide Vittori (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
1 July 2021 (3.00pm – 5.00 pm) Data lab: analysis and comment on cross-national datasets Vincenzo Emanuele (Luiss) and Davide Vittori (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

More details on the course and the full downloadable program is available here.