The 2019 EP Elections across Europe

The 2019 EP Elections across Europe

The 2019 EP Elections across Europe

Domenica 26 maggio, dalle ore 22, Luiss organizza una maratona elettorale in occasione delle elezioni Europee 2019, in collaborazione con il CISE, il DataLab, la Scuola di Giornalismo Massimo Baldini, Radio Luiss e con la media-partnership di Sky TG24. Esperti, Professori e ricercatori dell'Ateneo, nel LOFT del campus di viale Romania, commentano ed espongono le loro impressioni sul voto dei 28 Paesi dell'Unione Europea. Tra gli ospiti: il Direttore della Luiss School of European Political Economy Marcello Messori, il Professor Pietro Reichlin, il Direttore della Scuola di Giornalismo e del DataLab Gianni Riotta, il Direttore della Luiss School of Government Giovanni Orsina e il Direttore del CISE Lorenzo De Sio. Lunedì 27, alle ore 10, chiude l'evento la conferenza stampa dei Professori Giovanni Orsina e Lorenzo De...

Over six million voters were eligible to select 17 members of the European Parliament (EP) in Bulgaria under a proportional representation system with preferential voting in a single nation-wide constituency. 318 candidates were nominated by thirteen political parties, eight coalitions and six initiative committees. Voting in the EP elections is mandatory in Bulgaria, but there is no penalty for not turning out to vote. Furthermore, voting can take place only in person in polling districts and there is no postal voting. These voting arrangements, combined with the lack of any new political formations to mobilize habitual non-voters and the...

26 May 2019 saw an election paradox in Hungary: a long-serving government won big on a record-high turnout, yet the winners looked frustrated and the losers positively re-charged. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz-KDNP electoral alliance took well over 52% of the popular vote and 62% of the country’s 21 seats in the European Parliament. That is one seat and one percent of the vote up compared to the 2014 EP elections, and just one seat and four percent of the vote less than their all-time best in 2009. But Fidesz’ leaders appeared disappointed and the government shortly announced unexpected...

Short summary National Parliament election was called in Denmark early May 2019. Hence, much of the focus that would otherwise have been devoted to the European Parliament (EP) election went to the national election campaign. Yet, the two elections thematically overlapped. The overall focus was on the climate crisis and, secondly, immigration. This focus secured a successful EP election for the green parties (the Socialist People’s Party (SF) and the Danish Social-Liberal Party (RL)). But also, the mainstream parties, particularly the Liberals, enjoyed an increase in Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), which was mainly at the expense of the...

  Introduction 2019 European elections in Croatia were held in a very different political environment than previous EP elections. Economic conditions have improved as GDP growth resumed in 2015, unemployment has declined by more than a half and the government fiscal position has also improved. However, the entry into the EU and expiration of the restrictions on the free movement of labour produced a mass emigration of mostly younger population towards countries of Western Europe. Thus, despite the migrant crisis that affected Croatia in 2015 and 2016, and the constant pressure of migration on the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, it...