


De Sio, L. (2009). Oltre il modello di Goodman. La stima dei flussi elettorali in base a dati aggregati. Polena, 9–35.

Emanuele, V. and Marino, B. (2016), 'Follow the candidates, not the parties? Personal vote in a regional de-institutionalised party system', Regional and Federal Studies Abstract This article analyses how personal vote shapes electoral competition and predicts electoral results in a regional de-institutionalized party system. After having analysed the connection between unpredictable political environment and personal vote, we build an original empirical model that explores preferential vote and patterns of re-candidacies and endorsements of the most voted candidates in the Calabrian regional elections. The analysis shows that leading candidates retain a more stable and predictable support over time with respect to parties...

In 2011 Italian local elections we observed high electoral mobility: in Milan, for example, the center-left gained his first-time victory in the Berlusconi era, while in Naples there was a significant split voting in the first round and a huge turnaround between the first and the second ballot. A general research question emerged: are the shifts in the results understandable trough a left-right axis (political nature hypothesis of these elections) or were there cross-cutting mechanisms (local nature hypothesis of the elections with a strong role of personal aspects)? To answer the question we analyze the voting ecological estimates in the three biggest cities involved in 2011 elections: Milan, Naples and Turin. For every matrix we generated the estimates both applying the traditional Goodman model (for the whole city and splitting by district) and the hierarchical multinomial-dirichlet model developed by Rosen, Jiang, King and Taner. The most important result of our study is the strong political polarization of the vote in the two northern cities and a great importance of the local factors in Naples, where only a dominant role of the candidates can make sense of the detected shifts in voting behaviour.

Segnalazione bibliografica. Autori: Paolo Bellucci, Oliver Heath British Journal of Political Science January 2012 42 : pp 107-135 Abstract No consensus exists on the causal mechanisms underpinning declining voting based on social cleavages – religion and class – in Europe. Previous research has emphasized two main factors: social change within the electorate (bottom-up) and parties’ policy polarization (top-down). This article presents a third level of analysis that links parties and cleavage-related social organizations, producing a factor capable of reinforcing group identity and interest representation. This hypothesis was tested for Italy in 1968–2008, where changes in the party system provided a natural experiment to...

D'Alimonte R., Chiaramonte A. (a cura di), Proporzionale ma non solo. Le elezioni politiche del 2006, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007. ISBN 978-88-15-12047-5 Abolendo i collegi uninominali, la nuova legge elettorale del 2005 ha suscitato l'impressione di un ritorno al passato. Al pari del precedente, in realtà, quello adottato è un sistema misto, dove certamente il meccanismo proporzionale pesa di più, ma è affiancato da una robusta componente maggioritaria (il premio di maggioranza). In compenso, le coalizioni sono diventate più deboli e gli elettori meno influenti a vantaggio dei partiti, che nominano i candidati grazie alle liste bloccate. Come documentano le rigorose analisi sulle...