


*This post has been originally published on the LSE EUROPP Blog The electoral strength of left-wing parties has traditionally been linked to the size and nature of a country’s working class and the existence of strong organisations such as trade unions. But are these ‘class cleavage’ factors still important in today’s politics? Drawing on a new study, Vincenzo Emanuele finds that while the characteristics of the working class are still a significant predictor of votes for the left, the importance of the organisational dimension has largely disappeared over the last two decades.

Aldo Paparo, Challenger’s delight: The results of the 2018 Italian general election, Italian Political Science, Volume 13, Issue 1, pp. 63–81. ABSTRACT The results of the 2018 general election were shocking. Although the main competitors were the same as in 2013 (the centre-right coalition, the centre-left coalition, and the Movimento 5 Stelle), great uncertainty sur-rounded the electoral outcome because of the application of a new electoral system, and polls data indicating the competitiveness of the multiple political formations and the high number of undecided voters. For the first time in Western European history, a successful debutant managed not to lose votes in...

CHIARAMONTE, A. C. A., & Sio, L. D. (2014). Premessa. In A. Chiaramonte & L. D. Sio (Eds.), Terremoto elettorale. Le elezioni politiche del 2013 (pp. 7–14). BOLOGNA: Il Mulino.

CHIARAMONTE, A. C. A. (2013). Il voto diviso tra elezioni nazionali ed elezioni regionali. Ipotesi esplicative e potenziali effetti sulle riforme istituzionali. LE REGIONI, XLI, 15–18.

The economic crisis, the fall of the Berlusconi government and the birth of the technocratic government led by Mario Monti have produced several changes in the Italian political system. Certainly, one of the most important innovations in the context of Italian politics has been the emergence of the Five Star Movement. Such a new party has achieved spectacular overnight success in several elections at sub-national level, and now it is the most voted party in the 2013 national elections. The Five Star Movement combines antiestablishment rhetoric with demands for political reform. The article analyses the electoral growth of the Five Star Movement using both aggregate data and individual data from “Osservatorio Politico CISE” (i.e. cross-section and panel surveys conducted from November 2011 to March 2013). In particular, the author investigates whether the profile of the supporters of the Five Star Movement has changed over time, both from a political and a social standpoint. Finally, the author analyses what factors influence the electoral choice for the Five Star Movement, also from a longitudinal perspective.