


A.CHIARAMONTE, & D’ALIMONTE, R. D. R. (2006). Proporzionale ma non solo. La riforma della Casa delle libertà. IL MULINO, 56, 34–45.

Chiaramonte, A., D’Alimonte, R., & De Sio, L. (2008). La riforma elettorale: oltre il premio di maggioranza? In R. D’Alimonte & C. Fusaro (Eds.), La legislazione elettorale italiana. Come migliorarla e perché (pp. 45–68). Bologna: Il Mul...

Segnalazione bibliografica. American Political Science Review (2011), 105: 115-134 Autori: Henry E. Brady, John E. McNulty Abstract Could changing the locations of polling places affect the outcome of an election by increasing the costs of voting for some and decreasing them for others? The consolidation of voting precincts in Los Angeles County during California's 2003 gubernatorial recall election provides a natural experiment for studying how changing polling places influences voter turnout. Overall turnout decreased by a substantial 1.85 percentage points: A drop in polling place turnout of 3.03 percentage points was partially offset by an increase in absentee voting of 1.18 percentage...

Per citare l'articolo: Brader, T., De Sio, L., Paparo, A. and Tucker, J.A. (2020), “Where You Lead, I Will Follow”: Partisan Cueing on High‐Salience Issues in a Turbulent Multiparty System. Political Psychology. doi:10.1111/pops.12651 Scarica l'articolo qui. Abstract: The ability of parties to not only reflect, but actually shape, citizens' preferences on policy issues has been long debated, as it corresponds to a fundamental prediction of classic party identification theory. While most research draws on data from the United States or...