


Cosa succede in città? Le elezioni comunali 2016 a cura di Vincenzo Emanuele, Nicola Maggini e Aldo Paparo Il successo del Movimento 5 Stelle, con le vittorie storiche di Roma e Torino; le difficoltà del centrosinistra, con il PD di Renzi che subisce per la prima volta una pesante battuta d’arresto; la tenuta del centrodestra che dimostra, quando è unito, di essere ancora un polo competitivo. Il tutto in un contesto di crescente astensionismo, volatilità e frammentazione del quadro politico, con la stragrande maggioranza delle sfide decise solo al ballottaggio e la presenza di leader locali e candidati civici competitivi in diverse...

-. (2000). Il maggioritario regionale. Le elezioni del 16 aprile 2000.

The secret ballot is considered a central feature of free and fair elections all over the world. While the reasons to uphold it seem to be overwhelming, we argue that the secret ballot is only second-best at best and that a modified version of open voting might prove to be more democratic. Instead of denying the various problems and difficulties that an open system might encounter, we want to offer a genuine proposal that can avoid these numerous pitfalls. After rehearsing the various arguments pro and contra open voting, we draw attention to the role of shame, which has been neglected by both sides in the debate. While shame plays a pivotal role in the democratic argument pro open voting, it also brings out new problems that tell against opening up the vote. This means that, if we want to draw on the democratic potential of open voting, we will have to find a system that minimizes the undesirable effects of shame. In the third and final section, we will formulate a concrete proposal of open voting that we believe is more democratic than the current secret ballot and is able to avoid potential worries. Even if this proves to be highly speculative, it serves as an invitation for further empirical research.

-. (2001). Perché ha vinto il centro-destra?

To cite the article: Vincenzo Emanuele & Federico Trastulli (2023) Squeezing Blood from a Turnip? The Resilience of Social Democratic Governmental Power in Western Europe (1871–2022), Representation, DOI: 10.1080/00344893.2023.2292174 The article can be accessed here, first 50 copies free of charge. Abstract In recent years, a growing body of literature has revived its interest in social democratic parties, emphasising their allegedly irreversible crisis in Western Europe. However, all such accounts focus solely on electoral results, thus neglecting governmental power, the decisive factor to realise social democratic parties’ policy goals. To address this gap, the...