Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Lorenzo De Sio, Mark N. Franklin, Till Weber, The risks and opportunities of Europe: How issue yield explains (non-)reactions to the financial crisis, Electoral Studies, Volume 44, December 2016, Pages 483-491, ISSN 0261-3794, Abstract The financial crisis subjected the EU to its first truly serious stress test. A majority of citizens is now opposed to further integration. But party systems have barely adjusted, instead perpetuating traditional patterns of an evasive mainstream with Euroskeptic fringes. To explain this unexpected outcome we draw on issue yield (De Sio and Weber, 2014), a general model of political competition that unites public opinion, party...

De Sio, Lorenzo, Emanuele, Vincenzo, & Maggini, Nicola. (2014 21). “Something Olde, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue…”. On the twenty-eight separate European elections of 2014. Retrieved from

Per citare l’articolo: Chiaramonte, A., De Sio, L. and Emanuele, V. (2020), ‘Salvini’s success and the collapse of the Five-star Movement: The European elections of 2019', Contemporary Italian Politics, DOI:10.1080/23248823.2020.1743475. Scarica l’articolo qui ABSTRACT The European Parliament elections of 2019 in Italy can be considered as a crucial turning point for the national political system. Indeed, both the balance of power among parties and the governmental dynamics were deeply affected by the outcome of the 2019 elections. In a context of notable electoral instability, an almost perfect turnaround...

Emanuele, Vincenzo, & Rombi, Stefano. (2013). Il voto nei circoli: cosa rischia Renzi. Candidate & Leader Selection (a Cura Di) [2013], Questioni Primarie,, (2), 7–8. Retrieved from

Maggini, N. (2010). Giovani e partecipazione. Quaderni Del Circolo Rosselli, 107(2), 134–136.