Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Vincenzo Emanuele e Alessandro Chiaramonte Emanuele, V. and Chiaramonte, A. (2016), 'A growing impact of new parties: mith or reality? Party system innovation in Western Europe after 1945', Party Politics, Online First, DOI:10.1177/1354068816678887 (.pdf here) Abstract Despite the large body of literature on the emergence and success of new political parties in Western Europe, few, if any, attention has been paid to investigate new parties from a systemic perspective, therefore exploring their potential effects on party systems. This article focuses on party system innovation (PSInn), defined as the aggregate level of ‘newness’ recorded in a party system at a given election. After...

Emanuele, V. and Marino, B. (2016), 'Follow the candidates, not the parties? Personal vote in a regional de-institutionalised party system', Regional and Federal Studies Abstract This article analyses how personal vote shapes electoral competition and predicts electoral results in a regional de-institutionalized party system. After having analysed the connection between unpredictable political environment and personal vote, we build an original empirical model that explores preferential vote and patterns of re-candidacies and endorsements of the most voted candidates in the Calabrian regional elections. The analysis shows that leading candidates retain a more stable and predictable support over time with respect to parties...

Emanuele, V., Maggini, N and Marino, B. (2016). ‘Gaining Votes in Europe against Europe? How National Contexts Shaped the Results of Eurosceptic Parties in the 2014 European Parliament Elections’, Journal of Contemporary European Research. 12 (3), 697-715. Abstract In the wake of the harshest economic crisis since 1929, in several European countries there has been a rise of Eurosceptic parties that oppose EU integration. The 2014 European Parliament elections were a fundamental turning point for these parties. In this article, after a theoretical discussion on the concept of Euroscepticism, we provide an updated classification of Eurosceptic parties after the 2014 European Parliament elections. We...

Cosa succede in città? Le elezioni comunali 2016 a cura di Vincenzo Emanuele, Nicola Maggini e Aldo Paparo Il successo del Movimento 5 Stelle, con le vittorie storiche di Roma e Torino; le difficoltà del centrosinistra, con il PD di Renzi che subisce per la prima volta una pesante battuta d’arresto; la tenuta del centrodestra che dimostra, quando è unito, di essere ancora un polo competitivo. Il tutto in un contesto di crescente astensionismo, volatilità e frammentazione del quadro politico, con la stragrande maggioranza delle sfide decise solo al ballottaggio e la presenza di leader locali e candidati civici competitivi in diverse...

Chiaramonte, A., & Emanuele, V. (2015). Party system volatility, regeneration and de-institutionalization in Western Europe (1945–2015). Party Politics, 1354068815601330. Abstract Despite a great flourishing of studies about Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe, the issue of party system institutionalization has been widely neglected in Western Europe, where the presence of stable and predictable patterns of interactions among political actors has been generally taken for granted for a long time. Nevertheless, party system institutionalization is not something that can be gained once and for all. This article proposes a theoretical reconceptualization and a new empirical operationalization of party system (de-)institutionalization. Furthermore,...