Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Lorenzo De Sio, Mark N. Franklin, Till Weber, The risks and opportunities of Europe: How issue yield explains (non-)reactions to the financial crisis, Electoral Studies, Volume 44, December 2016, Pages 483-491, ISSN 0261-379 Intervista di Andrea Maccagno a Lorenzo De Sio Lorenzo De Sio, questo articolo analizza come i partiti dei vari paesi europei hanno utilizzato (o scelto di non utilizzare) il controverso tema dell'integrazione europea nelle loro strategie di competizione elettorale. Da quale interrogativo di ricerca nasce questo articolo? Le Interviste CISE mirano a divulgare l'attività di ricerca del CISE che produce pubblicazioni scientifiche in ambito italiano e internazionale. La formula dell'intervista,...

The economic crisis, the fall of the Berlusconi government and the birth of the technocratic government led by Mario Monti have produced several changes in the Italian political system. Certainly, one of the most important innovations in the context of Italian politics has been the emergence of the Five Star Movement. Such a new party has achieved spectacular overnight success in several elections at sub-national level, and now it is the most voted party in the 2013 national elections. The Five Star Movement combines antiestablishment rhetoric with demands for political reform. The article analyses the electoral growth of the Five Star Movement using both aggregate data and individual data from “Osservatorio Politico CISE” (i.e. cross-section and panel surveys conducted from November 2011 to March 2013). In particular, the author investigates whether the profile of the supporters of the Five Star Movement has changed over time, both from a political and a social standpoint. Finally, the author analyses what factors influence the electoral choice for the Five Star Movement, also from a longitudinal perspective.

Dall'Europa alla Sicilia Elezioni e opinione pubblica nel 2017 a cura di Vincenzo Emanuele e Aldo Paparo Da metà marzo a metà ottobre del 2017, Paesi Bassi, Francia, Regno Unito, Germania e Austria hanno tenuto le loro elezioni. Ciò ha fornito un'opportunità eccezionale per mappare l’opinione pubblica in questi paesi nel contesto particolarmente turbolento, che il referendum sulla Brexit e l'elezione di Donald Trump esemplificano. Per sfruttare questa opportunità, il CISE ha lanciato un innovativo progetto di ricerca comparato per valutare empiricamente, prima delle elezioni, le preferenze dei diversi elettorati; individuare le strutture delle opportunità dei partiti politici; e interpretare i risultati...

The close outcome of the Italian general elections of 2006 highlights the crucial role of floating voters, switching from one coalition to its opponent. Using survey data, the paper studies the relation between the degree of political interest and knowledge of individual voters and their propensity to switch between competing coalitions in subsequent elections. Two rival hypotheses are proposed. The first, dubbed the "electoral market", states that most vote change happens among the most interested and informed. On the contrary, the rival hypothesis of the "electoral bazaar" envisages a scenario where floating voters are mostly among the least politically involved. The results of the analysis show a marked difference between patterns in the First and the Second Republic.

To cite the article: Emanuele, V., Marino, B., and Diodati, N. M. (2022) When institutions matter: electoral systems and intraparty fractionalization in Western Europe, Comparative European Politics, DOI: 10.1057/s41295-022-00319-z The article, published on Comparative European Politics, can be accessed here. Abstract The comparative study of intraparty divisions and their determinants has been a long-debated matter, but some issues remain unresolved. First, the problem of the empirical identification of intraparty groups. Second, the lack of comparative perspective and large-N cross-country and cross-time analyses, given intraparty divisions...