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Tag: facebook

The selection is still open (until Apr 10). The figure we are looking for (details in the call for applications-see PDF below) will deal with quantitative social media analysis, also through computational methods, so that familiarity with Python and/or R (possibly including API access) is an important plus. The call for applications is for a two-year post-doctoral position at Luiss Rome within the CISE-run, nationally funded (PRIN) POSTGEN project - Generational gap and post-ideological politics in Italy. The position also offers interesting teaching opportunities; moreover, due to the geographically distributed nature of the project...

To cite the article: Andrea Capati, Marco Improta & Federico Trastulli (2022) COVID-19 and party competition over the EU: Italy in Early Pandemic Times, European Politics and Society, DOI: 10.1080/23745118.2022.2095170. The article was published on European Politics and Society can be accessed here. Abstract Despite receiving much attention in the literature, existing analyses on the impact of Covid-19 on European societies and politics do not investigate the consequences for party competition over the European Union (EU) dimension. To this end, this article asks whether the pandemic affected the salience of...