Tag Articoli con tag "libdem"

Tag: libdem

The decision by Theresa May to call a snap election has gone against her. Despite remaining the largest party in Westminster, the Conservatives have fallen short of an absolute majority of seats, and a hung Parliament is the outcome of this election. Jeremy Corbyn has brought the Labour Party to 40% of the votes, the largest result since 2001. In a context characterised by the highest turnout since 1997 (69%), a massive shift back towards a two-party system has occurred: the UKIP has collapsed, the SNP has stepped back, and the Liberal Democrats have not bounced back after the...

Il prossimo 8 giugno gli elettori britannici si recheranno alle urne per votare in una elezione decisiva, che potrebbe avere un effetto decisivo non solo per il Regno Unito, ma anche per le negoziazioni, relative alla Brexit, che si dovranno svolgere con l’Unione Europea. Al di là dell’analisi dell’opinione pubblica e dei partiti che il CISE sta conducendo a partire da un sondaggio realizzato nei giorni scorsi, è interessante cercare di capire che composizione avrà la prossima Camera dei Comuni. Nei giorni scorsi, da più parti si è sottolineato come i Laburisti sembrano aver ridotto lo svantaggio con i Conservatori....

On the next 8th June, UK voters will be faced with a decisive election, which could have a profound impact not only on British internal affairs but also on the Brexit negotiations with the European Union. Beyond the analysis of the UK public opinion and political parties, derived from the original survey conducted by the CISE, a matter that requires further investigation and has been gaining increasing attention by pundits and the media is surely the forecasting of the composition of the next House of Commons.  In the past few days, more and more experts have been underlying that the...