‘Voters’ Behavior and Party Competition in Turbulent Times’ summer school

Redazione CISE


We are glad to advertise the launch of the second edition of the summer school ‘Voters’ Behavior and Party Competition in Turbulent Times’. The course is promoted and organized by Luiss within the framework of the Luiss ‘Summer University in Advanced Political and Social Sciences’ program. The course is directed by Prof. Lorenzo De Sio and benefits from the expertise of several scholars and researchers from different Italian and foreign universities all collaborating in the CISE (Italian Center for Electoral Studies). This course introduces students to the analysis of all aspects of the chain of representation (citizens, elections, parties) through the presentation of...

A new, short series of five online seminars by CISE researchers, running in May and June 2021. See program below! The CISE Seminar Series (since 2018, the first regular seminar series in the Luiss Department of Political Science - DiSP) was originally born with the aim to: 1) establish a practice of open discussion for the work in progress of CISE researchers; 2) consolidate a network of in-person scientific interaction among the CISE, the broader LUISS research community, and other universities in the Rome area. Later on, a Luiss DiSP Department...

Da ormai più di un anno, il CISE collabora attivamente - curando la sezione Public Opinion Trends - al "Monthly Report" (in inglese) sulla politica italiana pubblicato dalla Luiss School of Government. Il Monthly Report della SOG mira a fornire ad analisti, giornalisti e investitori internazionali una guida allo scenario politico, al processo decisionale e alle tendenze dell'opinione pubblica in Italia.Ripubblichiamo di seguito i contenuti della sezione Public Opinion Trends, a cura del CISE, dal Monthly Report di Febbraio 2020. L'intero rapporto è scaricabile qui. The polls In the...

Tab. 1 – Flussi elettorali a Perugia fra politiche 2018 e regionali 2019, destinazioni (clicca per ingrandire) Tab. 2 – Flussi elettorali a Perugia fra politiche 2018 e regionali 2019, provenienze (clicca per ingrandire) Riferimenti bibliografici Goodman, L. A. (1953), Ecological regression and behavior of individual, «American Sociological Review», 18, pp. 663-664. Schadee, H.M.A., e Corbetta, P.G., (1984), Metodi e modelli di analisi dei dati elettorali, Bologna, Il Mulino. NOTA METODOLOGICA I...

Nell'intervista a Luiss Open del 7 Ottobre 2019, Vincenzo Emanuele presenta i risultati di un recente articolo pubblicato su Government and Opposition e scritto in collaborazione con Alessandro Chiaramonte e Sorina Soare. Riportiamo di seguito il testo integrale dell'intervista. Professor Emanuele, based on your experience, what are the competences that must belong to a researcher interested in political party systems? The fundamental feature is flexibility, from two particular points of view. Firstly, “flexibility” in terms of a great international openness: it is necessary to gain experience abroad, to avail of even short...