Turning Out to Vote: The Costs of Finding and Getting to the Polling Place

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Segnalazione bibliografica. American Political Science Review (2011), 105: 115-134 Autori: Henry E. Brady, John E. McNulty Abstract Could changing the locations of polling places affect the outcome of an election by increasing the costs of voting for some and decreasing them for others? The consolidation of voting precincts in Los Angeles County during California's 2003 gubernatorial recall election provides a natural experiment for studying how changing polling places influences voter turnout. Overall turnout decreased by a substantial 1.85 percentage points: A drop in polling place turnout of 3.03 percentage points was partially offset by an increase in absentee voting of 1.18 percentage...

Segnalazione bibliografica. American Political Science Review (2011), 105: 166-188 Autore: Otam Margalit Abstract Does globalization's impact on the labor market affect how people vote? I address this question using a new dataset based on plant-level data that measures the impact of foreign competition on the U.S. workforce over an 8-year period. Analyzing change in the president's vote share, I find that voters were substantially more sensitive to the loss of local jobs when it resulted from foreign competition, particularly from offshoring, than to job losses caused by other factors. Yet, I also find that between 2000 and 2004, the anti-incumbent effect of trade-related...

Segnalazione bibliografica. Acta Politca (April 2011), n.46: pp. 158-179 Autori: Carlo Ruzza, Stefano Fella Abstract This paper documents and analyses how populist discourse was used in very different ways by political entrepreneurs of the Italian right, leading to three specific manifestations. The empirical range of populist ideologies is identified through a frame analysis of party materials and connected to the varying political and cultural opportunities of different kinds of parties. However, it is argued that at the same time a common reliance on some common populist tenets constituted an innovative strategy of the Italian right, and that as an ideology one of...

“Obama and the 2012 Elections”. Questo il titolo della conferenza di mercoledì 1 giugno (ore 12.30), presso la Meeting Room della LUISS School of Government, in Via di Villa Emiliani 14 a Roma (è necessaria la prenotazione). Il seminario è tenuto da Robert M. Shrum, Senior Fellow presso la Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service, New York University Così la breve ma densa nota biografica di Robert Shrum:   Robert M. Shrum is a Senior Fellow at the Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service at NYU. As an American political consultant, he worked as a senior advisor to the presidential campaigns of Al...

JSNapoli Cosa accadrà al secondo turno delle amministrative a Napoli? Scoprilo con il simulatore di flussi elettorali. Si tratta di simulare, per ogni categoria di elettori al primo turno (chi aveva votato Lettieri, Morcone, De Magistris, ecc.), come si comporterà al secondo turno. (ATTENZIONE: se vuoi vedere com'è poi andata veramente, vedi le stime basate sui risultati effettivi nelle quasi 900 sezioni di Napoli) Pensi che gli elettori di Lettieri torneranno a votarlo al 100%, oppure il 95% di loro la voterà di nuovo, mentre il 5% si asterrà? Pensi che i voti di Morcone andranno al 100% a De Magistris,...