


di Federica Izzo  Questo articolo è dedicato all’analisi del Gruppo Confederale Sinistra Unitaria Europea – Sinistra Verde Nordica (GUE-NGL), che riunisce i partiti nazionali di ispirazione socialista, comunista ed ecologista all’interno del Parlamento Europeo. In particolare, aderiscono al gruppo il Partito della Sinistra Europea e l’Alleanza della Sinistra Verde Nordica. I partiti membri del GUE-NGL si ispirano agli ideali di solidarietà internazionale caratteristici dell’ideologia comunista. La dichiarazione costitutiva del gruppo afferma che esso si oppone alla struttura attuale dell’Unione, ma è comunque impegnato a favorire l’integrazione europea. In altre parole, lungi dall’essere partiti euroscettici, i membri di GUE-NGL, mirano a...

European parliament (EP) election in Lithuania was overshadowed by the competitive direct presidential election. Three main contenders were close in the polls during the preceding months. The second round between two frontrunners Ingrida Šimonytė and Gitanas Nausėda was held two weeks after the first one, simultaneously with the voting for EP. Overlap of two elections raised the otherwise (potentially) low turnout in EP election (53.1 per cent of Lithuanians voted), but it also meant that less attention was given to EP campaign by the main political parties. Context and campaign European parliament elections in Lithuania quite closely conform to the second-order...

Short summary National Parliament election was called in Denmark early May 2019. Hence, much of the focus that would otherwise have been devoted to the European Parliament (EP) election went to the national election campaign. Yet, the two elections thematically overlapped. The overall focus was on the climate crisis and, secondly, immigration. This focus secured a successful EP election for the green parties (the Socialist People’s Party (SF) and the Danish Social-Liberal Party (RL)). But also, the mainstream parties, particularly the Liberals, enjoyed an increase in Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), which was mainly at the expense of the...

di Carolina Plescia e David Johann In Germania si è votato domenica 25 maggio per eleggere ben 96 membri del parlamento europeo, il paese che ne elegge di più in assoluto. Si è votato tramite un sistema elettorale proporzionale puro che ha costituito una vera e propria novità in Germania, dove la soglia di sbarramento è sempre stata del 5% per le elezioni nazionali e del 3% per quelle europee. Questo cambiamento è la conseguenza della decisione della Corte Costituzionale lo scorso febbraio 2013 di eliminare la soglia di sbarramento per la redistribuzione dei seggi. La campagna elettorale Nonostante l’importanza che...

Context 2019 EP elections in Estonia took place amidst a heated political atmosphere that prevailed in the aftermath of the general election held less than three months prior. In a “remarkable failure of mainstream politics” (Walker, 2019), two liberal parties, Reform and Centre (both members of the ALDE group in the EP), failed to cooperate in the process of government formation. Having rejected an invitation by the victorious Reform Party to start coalition talks, the incumbent Centre Party formed a coalition with two right-wing parties, including a moderate Pro Patria and an illiberal, xenophobic, and eurosceptic Estonian Conservative People’s Party...