


According to the spontaneous reactions from the parties’ wakes during the Swedish election night May 26, all parties were winners. The parties that lost support did not lose as much as they had feared, and among the parties that gained, celebration was loud and joyful. The only exception was the small Feminist Initiative that lost the single seat they won in 2014. Background The European Parliament election 2019 took place less than a year after the national election in September 2018, which led to the most prolonged government negotiations in Swedish history. Not until January 2019 did the Social Democrats and...

Introduzione Dal suo ingresso nell’Unione Europea, la Romania organizza per la terza volta elezioni per il Parlamento Europeo (PE) e per la prima volta lo fa da presidente di turno del Consiglio. Durante la sua presidenza gli incontri organizzati con i rappresentanti degli stati membri hanno ricevuto ampia copertura dai media rumeni e l’agenda europea è stata visibile nel dibattito pubblico, come per esempio in occasione del vertice informale dei capi di Stato o di governo dell'Unione Europea (UE) organizzato a Sibiu il 9 maggio 2019 e le discussioni sui piani strategici per l'Unione del dopo elezioni. Contesto politico La Romania è...

Carolina Plescia and Sylvia Kritzinger Introduction Austria went to the polls on Sunday, May 25th to elect 18 members of the European Parliament, one less than in 2009 due to the EU membership of Croatia. The electoral system used for the European elections is the same as for the national elections but instead of 39 constituencies there is only a single national constituency. The electoral system is a proportional system with a threshold of 4% and the possibility for the voters to express a preference vote for a single candidate, a possibility that has been rarely used by Austrians (Müller et...

Context 2019 EP elections in Estonia took place amidst a heated political atmosphere that prevailed in the aftermath of the general election held less than three months prior. In a “remarkable failure of mainstream politics” (Walker, 2019), two liberal parties, Reform and Centre (both members of the ALDE group in the EP), failed to cooperate in the process of government formation. Having rejected an invitation by the victorious Reform Party to start coalition talks, the incumbent Centre Party formed a coalition with two right-wing parties, including a moderate Pro Patria and an illiberal, xenophobic, and eurosceptic Estonian Conservative People’s Party...

di Michail Schwartz Il gruppo dell’Alleanza Progressista dei Socialisti e dei Democratici (S&D) rappresenta all’interno del Parlamento Europeo forze Socialiste, Laburiste, Socialdemocratiche e Progressiste presenti nei ventotto stati appartenenti all’Unione Europea. Esso afferisce al Partito Socialista Europeo (PSE) e costituisce attualmente la seconda forza politica all’interno del Parlamento, potendo contare su 195 europarlamentari (184 dopo il voto del 2009), provenienti da tutti e ventotto i paesi membri dell’Unione.  Il nome articolato è solamente l’ultimo di una lunga serie (si veda Tabella 1) e deve la sua “complessità” ad un compromesso a cui si è giunti a ridosso delle ultime elezioni europee...