


di Lorenzo De Sio "Scopri il tuo partito, crea la tua community": è questo quello che offre a tutti i cittadini europei euandi, la Voting Advice Application pan-europea sviluppata dallo European University Institute in collaborazione con il CISE e con il Berkman Center for Internet and Society della Harvard University. Cos'è una Voting Advice Application (VAA)? Semplicemente, è anzitutto un sito Web in cui l'utente, dopo aver indicato le sue opinioni su una serie di temi d'attualità, può scoprire quali sono i partiti più vicini alle sue posizioni politiche (ognuno con un punteggio da 0 a 100%). Le VAA son diffuse...

The context The 2019 European elections were held only a few months after the October 2018 parliamentary elections. Surveys for the latter elections had predicted that the Christian Social People’s Party (CSV) would win votes and return into government after being an opposition party for the second time since World War II during the 2013-2018 parliament. In the end, the CSV lost 5.2 percentage points of the national vote and two of its parliamentary seats, while the government coalition of the liberal DP, the social democratic LSAP and the Greens kept a majority of seats (31 out of 60) and...

di Marcello Carammia e Roderick Pace Introduzione Le elezioni europee – le terze da quando Malta è entrata a far parte dell’Ue – si sono tenute sabato 24 maggio. Malta ha eletto sei deputati, uno in più del 2009. Il sistema elettorale è lo stesso delle elezioni nazionali, ma con una sola circoscrizione anziché tredici. Si tratta del sistema del ‘voto singolo trasferibile’ (VST), una variante dei sistemi proporzionali che permette all’elettore di enumerare tante preferenze quanti sono i candidati (Katz 1984). La ridotta dimensione delle circoscrizioni, in un contesto politico acutamente polarizzato, rende possibile il bipartitismo perfetto che, unitamente...

Context 2019 EP elections in Estonia took place amidst a heated political atmosphere that prevailed in the aftermath of the general election held less than three months prior. In a “remarkable failure of mainstream politics” (Walker, 2019), two liberal parties, Reform and Centre (both members of the ALDE group in the EP), failed to cooperate in the process of government formation. Having rejected an invitation by the victorious Reform Party to start coalition talks, the incumbent Centre Party formed a coalition with two right-wing parties, including a moderate Pro Patria and an illiberal, xenophobic, and eurosceptic Estonian Conservative People’s Party...

Luana Russo France went to the polls on Sunday 25th May. France elected 74 MEPs (two more than in 2009) using a proportional system with a 5% electoral threshold and closed lists. Political parties establish the order of candidates on the lists; voters can only cast a vote for the list and not for individual candidates. Seats are thus attributed according to the order in which the candidates are presented on the list. The national territory is divided up into eight constituencies (including one for all of the overseas territories). The election campaign In France, as in several other European countries (e.g....