


Liisa Talving and Lukas Pukelis Estonia The third European Parliament elections in Estonia were considered a preview of upcoming general elections in spring 2015, above all providing insight to power relations in domestic political scenery. Implementing open party lists as opposed to 2009 enabled the heavy artillery of Estonian politics to go against each other in competing for the title of the most popular politician in the country. Amid the low overall turnout (36.4%), the proportion of e-voters notably increased compared to 2009, reaching to 11.45% of those eligible to vote and to 31% of actual voters (in 2009, 6.5%...

di Roberto D’Alimonte Due fattori hanno contribuito in maniera decisiva al successo del Pd di Renzi. Il primo è stato la sua capacità di portare a votare i suoi elettori, quelli che avevano votato Pd nel 2013. Un altro Pd. Il secondo è stato la sua capacità di allargare la base di consensi del suo partito, nonostante questo tipo di consultazione sia difficile per un partito di governo in tempo di crisi. Il primo fattore ha pesato più del secondo.  A mano a mano che diventano disponibili i voti ai partiti a livello di singole sezioni elettorali si riesce a capire...

Vlastimil Havlík Twenty-one MEPs representing the Czech Republic (1 MEP less in comparison to the 2009 EP election) were elected on 23 – 24 May. An electoral system of proportional representation with closed lists, one nationwide electoral district and 5% threshold is applied in the Czech Republic. The d`Hondt divisor is used for allocation of seats among political parties (Chytilek et al. 2009). Electoral Campaign The term “invisible” is perhaps the best descriptor for the campaign which preceded the election. It does not mean that the political parties (and the media) ignored the election at all but the intensity of electoral campaign...

Introduction: Understanding the European Parliament elections of 2019 Luana Russo, Mark N. Franklin, Lorenzo De Sio Part I − Comparative Overview Much ado about nothing? The EP elections in comparative perspective Davide Angelucci, Luca Carrieri, Mark N. Franklin Party system change in EU countries: long-term instability and cleavage restructuring Vincenzo Emanuele, Bruno Marino Spitzenkandidaten 2.0: From experiment to routine in European elections? Thomas Christiansen, Michael Shackleton Explaining the outcome. Second-order factors still matter, but with an exceptional turnout increase Lorenzo De Sio, Luana Russo, Mark N. Franklin Impact of issues on party performance Nicola Maggini, Lorenzo De Sio, Diego Garzia, Alexander H. Trechsel Part II − Results...