The 2019 EP Elections across Europe

The 2019 EP Elections across Europe

The 2019 EP Elections across Europe

Introduction The 2019 European election in the Republic of Cyprus came three years after the last legislative elections of 2016 and one year after the presidential elections of 2018 which saw the right-wing governing party, DISY and President Nicos Anastasiades, renew their mandate for another five years. In the backlog of the campaign politics and electoral results that lie before us, one can observe a number of realignments in the patterns of political competition. Although each of them carries significance, their overall relevance in the island’s political evolution is certainly not analogous to a major transformation of domestic politics. Rather,...

According to the spontaneous reactions from the parties’ wakes during the Swedish election night May 26, all parties were winners. The parties that lost support did not lose as much as they had feared, and among the parties that gained, celebration was loud and joyful. The only exception was the small Feminist Initiative that lost the single seat they won in 2014. Background The European Parliament election 2019 took place less than a year after the national election in September 2018, which led to the most prolonged government negotiations in Swedish history. Not until January 2019 did the Social Democrats and...

Domenica 26 maggio, dalle ore 22, Luiss organizza una maratona elettorale in occasione delle elezioni Europee 2019, in collaborazione con il CISE, il DataLab, la Scuola di Giornalismo Massimo Baldini, Radio Luiss e con la media-partnership di Sky TG24. Esperti, Professori e ricercatori dell'Ateneo, nel LOFT del campus di viale Romania, commentano ed espongono le loro impressioni sul voto dei 28 Paesi dell'Unione Europea. Tra gli ospiti: il Direttore della Luiss School of European Political Economy Marcello Messori, il Professor Pietro Reichlin, il Direttore della Scuola di Giornalismo e del DataLab Gianni Riotta, il Direttore della Luiss School of Government Giovanni Orsina e il Direttore del CISE Lorenzo De Sio. Lunedì 27, alle ore 10, chiude l'evento la conferenza stampa dei Professori Giovanni Orsina e Lorenzo De...

  The European Parliament elections of 2019 in Greece took place on 26 May together with municipal and regional elections. The governmental party of the radical left SYRIZA suffered severe losses and the centre-right party of New Democracy (ND) increased its electoral strength and dominates again in the Greek party system after the period 2012-2015. The outcome of the election had immediate consequences for the national electoral arena. On the night of the election, the Greek PM Alexis Tsipras called for snap elections (four months ahead) to be held on 7 July 2019. The context The 2019 European election in Greece was...

The context The 2019 European elections were held only a few months after the October 2018 parliamentary elections. Surveys for the latter elections had predicted that the Christian Social People’s Party (CSV) would win votes and return into government after being an opposition party for the second time since World War II during the 2013-2018 parliament. In the end, the CSV lost 5.2 percentage points of the national vote and two of its parliamentary seats, while the government coalition of the liberal DP, the social democratic LSAP and the Greens kept a majority of seats (31 out of 60) and...