


The Issue Yield model predicts that parties will choose specific issues to emphasise, based on the joint assessment of electoral risks (how divisive is an issue within the party support base) and electoral opportunities (how widely supported is the same issue outside the party). According to this model, issues with high yield are those that combine a high affinity with the existing party base, together with a high potential to reach new voters. In previous work, the model showed a remarkable ability to explain aggregate issue importance as reported by party supporters, as well as issue emphasis in party manifestos. This paper tests the implications at the individual level by comparing a conventional model where issue salience is determined from manifesto data with a revised model where issue salience is determined by issue yield. The empirical findings show that issue yield is a more effective criterion than manifesto emphasis for identifying the issues most closely associated with party support in the minds of voters.

D'Alimonte R., Fusaro C (a cura di), La legislazione elettorale in Italia. Come migliorarla e perché. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008. ISBN 978-88-15-12519-4 L'interruzione, dopo solo due anni, della XV legislatura ha confermato i seri problemi del nostro assetto politico-istituzionale, e in particolare i limiti del sistema elettorale. Nel contempo, ha mostrato una volta di più quanto sia difficile riformare la legislazione in vigore. L'aspro dibattito che ha accompagnato questa conclusione si è soffermato quasi esclusivamente sui vizi macroscopici della legge elettorale del 2005. Ma la legislazione elettorale non riguarda soltanto i meccanismi di trasformazione dei voti in seggi. Nel delineare un'agenda organica e...

De Sio, Lorenzo, Emanuele, Vincenzo, & Maggini, Nicola. (2014 21). “Something Olde, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue…”. On the twenty-eight separate European elections of 2014. Retrieved from http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/eurocrisis...

D’ALIMONTE, R. D. R. (2014). Il Senato:una lotteria senza vincitori. In A. C. e. L. D. Sio (Ed.), Terremoto elettorale. Le elezioni politiche del 2013 (pp. 153–172). BOLOGNA: Il Mulino.

Segnalazione bibliografica. American Political Science Review (2011), 105: 166-188 Autore: Otam Margalit Abstract Does globalization's impact on the labor market affect how people vote? I address this question using a new dataset based on plant-level data that measures the impact of foreign competition on the U.S. workforce over an 8-year period. Analyzing change in the president's vote share, I find that voters were substantially more sensitive to the loss of local jobs when it resulted from foreign competition, particularly from offshoring, than to job losses caused by other factors. Yet, I also find that between 2000 and 2004, the anti-incumbent effect of trade-related...