


Lorenzo De Sio, Mark N. Franklin, Till Weber, The risks and opportunities of Europe: How issue yield explains (non-)reactions to the financial crisis, Electoral Studies, Volume 44, December 2016, Pages 483-491, ISSN 0261-379 Lorenzo De Sio, interviewed by Andrea Maccagno (English translation by Elisabetta Mannoni) This paper analyzes how parties in different European countries employed (or decided not to employ) such a controversial topic as European integration in their electoral strategies. How did this article come about and which was the research question behind it? The paper is the application of a model I have been working at during the last few years. It’s...

With the new year, the CISE Seminar Series is back.  The new series will run from September to December 2019. The CISE Seminar Series was born from: 1) the need and interest of the CISE to establish a practice of open discussion for the work in progress of its researchers; 2) the aim to establish and consolidate a network of scientific interaction relating the CISE within the LUISS research community (both in the Department of Political Science and in other departments) and with other universities in the Rome area. As a result,...

-. (1997). Maggioritario per caso. Le elezioni politiche del 1996.

D’ALIMONTE, R. D. R., & CHIARAMONTE, A. (1993). Il nuovo sistema elettorale italiano: quali opportunità? RIVISTA ITALIANA DI SCIENZA POLITICA, 23, 513–547.

Aldo Paparo & Lorenzo De Sio (2017) PTV gap as a new measure of partisanship: a panel-data, multi-measure validation showing surprising partisanship stability, Contemporary Italian Politics, 9:1, 60-83, DOI: 10.1080/23248823.2017.1289733 Intervista di Andrea Maccagno a Aldo Paparo Il concetto che sta alla base dell’articolo è quello dell’identificazione di partito. Di che si  tratta? Le Interviste CISE mirano a divulgare l'attività di ricerca del CISE che produce pubblicazioni scientifiche in ambito italiano e internazionale. La formula dell'intervista, condotta da giovani tirocinanti del CISE, permette di presentare in modo semplice i contenuti delle pubblicazioni, superando le difficoltà del linguaggio tecnico e di strumenti statistici spesso...