Austria 2017: conflict mobilization in a reconstructing political landscape

Carolina Plescia

Carolina Plescia è Assistant Professor ed Hertha Firnberg Scholar presso il Dipartimento di Governo dell’Università di Vienna. La sua ricerca si concentra su opinione pubblica, comportamento elettorale e rappresentanza politica. Presso l’Università di Vienna, è tra responsabili della componente sondaggio nell’ambito del progetto RECONNECT H2020 ed è coinvolta nello sviluppo di AUTNES (Austrian National Election Study). È autrice di Split-Ticket Voting in Mixed-Member Electoral Systems (ECPR Press), e i suoi lavori sono stati pubblicati in riviste quali Political Psychology, West European Politics, Electoral Studies e Party Politics.

On the 15th of October 2017, Austrian voters are called to the polls to elect a new parliament (Nationalrat). The snap elections were called immediately after Sebastian Kurz, the 31-year-old minister of foreign affairs succeeded Reinhold Mitterlehner as leader of the Christian democratic People’ s Party (ÖVP) in May 2017. Kurz’s leadership and a new party brand (“The new People’s party”) lead to an enormous ascent in the polls for the party. As of today, less than a week before the election, Kurz’s way to the Austrian chancellorship appears to be rather sure. Sebastian Kurz was successful in establishing himself...