Nicola Martocchia Diodati è un data scientist e ha insegnato corsi in Metodi Quantitativi e Machine Learning in varie università. Ha ottenuto il PhD in Scienza Politica e Sociologia presso la Scuola Normale Superiore e ha pubblicato articoli su riviste come West European Politics, European Union Politics, Journal of European Public Policy, Acta Politica, Electoral Studies, European Political Science Review. Si occupa prevalentemente di metodi quantitativi, machine learning, comportamento elettorale, ed élite politiche.
To cite the article:
Emanuele, V., Marino, B., and Diodati, N. M. (2022) When institutions matter: electoral systems and intraparty fractionalization in Western Europe, Comparative European Politics, DOI: 10.1057/s41295-022-00319-z
The article, published on Comparative European Politics, can be accessed here.
The comparative study of intraparty divisions and their determinants has been a long-debated matter, but some issues remain unresolved. First, the problem of the empirical identification of intraparty groups. Second, the lack of comparative perspective and large-N cross-country and cross-time analyses, given intraparty divisions...