Dossier CISE

Dossier CISE

Dossier CISE

The European Parliament Elections of 2014 edited by Lorenzo De Sio, Vincenzo Emanuele and Nicola Maggini The European Parliament elections of 22-25 May 2014 had already been anticipated, before the vote, as potentially so relevant to become the first “true” European elections. Not only because of the economic crisis – which in recent years has seen the emergence of EU (and international) institutions as key players of economic policy for Euro member states, with relevant effects for the everyday life of citizens – but also due to the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, which has reinforced the link between...

Introduzione Aldo Paparo Parte I – Prima del voto Offerta elettorale e situazione di partenza nei comuni del Nord Andrea Maccagno Offerta elettorale e situazione di partenza nella Zona Rossa Cristiano Gatti Offerta elettorale e situazione di partenza nel Sud Andrea Maccagno Test su divisioni a sinistra e tenuta M5s Roberto D’Alimonte Parte II – Il primo turno Netto calo dell’affluenza nei comuni superiori al voto Nicola Maggini Tutti i numeri delle comunali: scompare il M5s, il centrodestra torna competitivo, i civici sono il terzo polo Vincenzo Emanuele e Aldo Paparo Renzi, Berlusconi, Grillo: chi ha vinto e chi ha perso Roberto D’Alimonte I risultati complessivi dei partiti: il Pd ancora primo, il M5s sotto il 10%,...

The European Parliament Elections of 2019 edited by Lorenzo De Sio, Mark N. Franklin and Luana Russo The first European Parliament elections after the Brexit referendum; the first after the election of Donald Trump and the success of populist parties (and the instalment of “populist” governments) around Europe; the first EP elections testing the institutionalization of the Spitzenkandidaten mechanism – the innovation that sought to link EP elections to the choice between candidates for President of the European Commission. The European Parliament elections of 2019 were a first in many aspects, pointing to relevant questions that might be answered once the...

Introduzione Vincenzo Emanuele e Aldo Paparo Parte I – Partiti ed elettori verso il 4 marzo Lavoro, lotta all’evasione e limiti all’accoglienza: le priorità degli italiani e i partiti Lorenzo De Sio Il sondaggio CISE: priorità dei cittadini e strategie dei partiti verso il voto Vincenzo Emanuele e Lorenzo De Sio Maggioranza lontana alla Camera, e un rischio di effetto-collegi: il maxisondaggio CISE/LUISS/Sole24Ore Lorenzo De Sio Il maxi-sondaggio CISE-Sole 24 Ore: la maggioranza resta un miraggio Roberto D’Alimonte La mappa dei collegi: Sud in bilico con il M5S avanti Vincenzo Emanuele e Aldo Paparo Per i partiti la difficile sfida delle alleanze Roberto D’Alimonte Il voto e l’età: mezza età per il M5S, anziani...

The year of challengers? Issues, public opinion, and elections in Western Europe in 2017 edited by Lorenzo De Sio and Aldo Paparo Within the seven-month period going from mid-March to mid-October of 2017, five Western-European democracies held their general elections: the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Austria. This provided an exceptional opportunity to study public opinion structures in these countries in the particularly turbulent context that followed disruptive electoral developments such as the Brexit referendum and the election of Donald Trump. To exploit this opportunity, the CISE launched an innovative comparative research project to empirically assess before the elections the preferences of...