


On April 21st, at LUISS Guido Carli, the CISE convened a panel of international scholars to attend a one-day brainstorming workshop on the feasibility of a research agenda dedicated to the increasing political instability across Western countries, and its relationship with economic change in recent decades. The program featured, among scholars from top international institutions (see below), the presence of Nobel laureate Michael Spence. (canablue.com) Presenters: David Brady, Stanford University, Hoover Institution Alessandro Chiaramonte, University of Florence Roberto D’Alimonte, LUISS Lorenzo De Sio, LUISS Vincenzo Emanuele, LUISS John Ferejohn, New York University Hanspeter Kriesi, European University Institute Pedro Magalhães, University of Lisbon Leonardo Morlino, LUISS Aldo Paparo, Stanford University,...

A new, short series of five online seminars by CISE researchers, running in May and June 2021. See program below! The CISE Seminar Series (since 2018, the first regular seminar series in the Luiss Department of Political Science - DiSP) was originally born with the aim to: 1) establish a practice of open discussion for the work in progress of CISE researchers; 2) consolidate a network of in-person scientific interaction among the CISE, the broader LUISS research community, and other universities in the Rome area. Later on, a Luiss DiSP Department...

  La Seconda Repubblica ha ormai compiuto quindici anni. In questo arco di tempo si sono svolte cinque elezioni politiche, con due sistemi elettorali diversi: un maggioritario di collegio con quota proporzionale per le prime tre; un proporzionale con premio di maggioranza per le ultime due. In entrambi i casi, sistemi misti portatori di un bipolarismo imperfetto, che fino al 2006 è stato molto frammentato. Inaspettatamente, nelle elezioni del 2008 – cui questo libro è dedicato – il quadro cambia radicalmente. Da maxi che erano le coalizioni diventano mini; alla Camera dei deputati i gruppi parlamentari si riducono...

A multidisciplinary seminar series for empirical research on democratic representation The CISE (Italian Center for Electoral Studies) has set up a new series of weekly seminars. After the first, experimental series of seminars held in Autumn 2018, the new series will run from February to June 2019. The CISE seminars were born from: the need and interest of the CISE to establish a practice of open discussion for the work in progress of its researchers; the aim to establish and consolidate a network of scientific interaction relating the CISE within the LUISS research community (both in the Department of Political Science and in other departments)...

  Le elezioni si vincono davvero al centro? Partiti e schieramenti davanti ai dilemmi delle elezioni 2013 un dibattito a partire dal volume “Competizione e spazio politico” di Lorenzo De Sio (Il Mulino, 2011) Partecipano: On. Gianni Cuperlo – Partito Democratico Prof. Roberto D’Alimonte – LUISS Guido Carli Prof. Arturo Parisi – Università di Bologna Prof. Paolo Segatti – Università di Milano Statale sarà presente l’autore Venerdì 11 maggio 2012 – ore 11.00 Sala riunioni – LUISS School of Government Via di Villa Emiliani 14, Roma