


Emmanuel Macron’s presidential majority – consisting of his movement La République En Marche (LREM) and centrist party Modem – has largely win the second round of the legislative elections on June 18, although with a smaller margin than predicted after the first round. LREM on its own has obtained the absolute majority in the lower house with 308 seats out of 577. Mainstream parties of the left and the right realized some of the worst electoral performances in parliamentary elections: the Parti Socialiste (PS) hits a record low, with only 30 MPs, and making a parliamentary group of a...

Nicola Maggini, Lorenzo De Sio and Mathilde van Ditmars Following on the tools provided by issue yield theory (De Sio and Weber 2014), this analysis provides a specific perspective on the data we at CISE collected through a CAWI survey few weeks before the Dutch election. We rely here on an innovative measurement of positional issues, which allows to derive a common issue yield index for this kind of issues. Positional issues are, in general, defined by reference to two rival goals (e.g. progressive vs. traditional morality): the issue yield measure permits us to assess the presence of strategic issue opportunities for a...

Introduction The elections for the European Parliament in Finland took place in the aftermath of the national parliamentary elections that took place on 14 April 2019. In this election, the Social Democratic Party (SDP) with 17.7% of the votes narrowly edged out the right-wing populist Finns party (PS) with 17.5% in second and the conservative National Coalition Party (KOK) in third with 17.0% of the votes. Consequently, the election campaign for the EP elections was rather short. The debate centred on the possible success of the Eurosceptic PS, since the party was expected to ride on the wave of Eurosceptic parties...

Da ormai più di un anno, il CISE collabora attivamente - curando la sezione Public Opinion Trends - al "Monthly Report" (in inglese) sulla politica italiana pubblicato dalla Luiss School of Government. Il Monthly Report della SOG mira a fornire ad analisti, giornalisti e investitori internazionali una guida allo scenario politico, al processo decisionale e alle tendenze dell'opinione pubblica in Italia.Ripubblichiamo di seguito i contenuti della sezione Public Opinion Trends, a cura del CISE, dal Monthly Report di Febbraio 2020. L'intero rapporto è scaricabile qui. The polls In the...

Aldo Paparo & Lorenzo De Sio (2017) PTV gap as a new measure of partisanship: a panel-data, multi-measure validation showing surprising partisanship stability, Contemporary Italian Politics, 9:1, 60-83, DOI: 10.1080/23248823.2017.1289733 Aldo Paparo, interviewed by Andrea Maccagno (English translation by Elisabetta Mannoni) The basic concept your paper starts from is party identification. What does it mean? CISE Interviews are aimed at spreading CISE research activities, which yield scientific publications in national and international journals. Their format, as an interview to a young CISE intern, allows to present publication contents in a simple form, overcoming difficulties of technical language and often complex statistical tools. The idea of...