


Goodbye Zona Rossa Il successo del centrodestra nelle comunali 2018 a cura di Aldo Paparo A pochi giorni dall’insediamento del Governo Conte, le elezioni comunali del giugno 2018 chiamavano nuovamente alle urne, a tre mesi dalle politiche del 4 marzo, quasi 7 milioni di italiani per rinnovare gli organi di governo locale in 760 comuni. Le comunali del 2018, quindi, rappresentano un irripetibile occasione per la comunità scientifica di trarre indicazioni circa come gli elettori hanno reagito ai quasi 100 giorni di crisi di governo, agli eventi che si sono susseguiti, e quindi comprendere lo stato dei rapporti di forza fra i...

Segnalazione bibliografica. American Journal of Political Science, Volume 55, Number 4, 1 October 2011 , pp. 907-922(16) Autore: Till Weber Abstract Very few theories of democratic elections can claim to overarch the field. One of them that has not been given due regard, I suggest, is Albert Hirschman's Exit, Voice, and Loyalty. I aim to exploit the integrative capacity of this general framework in a model of typical “midterm“ effects occurring through the electoral cycle. The model unites such diverse phenomena as antigovernment swings, declining turnout, protest voting,...

D’ALIMONTE, R. D. R. (2008). La riforma del voto europeo è un’occasione per consolidare il “bipolarismo moderato.” AMMINISTRAZIONE CIVILE, 4-5, 112–121.

On April 21st, at LUISS Guido Carli, the CISE convened a panel of international scholars to attend a one-day brainstorming workshop on the feasibility of a research agenda dedicated to the increasing political instability across Western countries, and its relationship with economic change in recent decades. The program featured, among scholars from top international institutions (see below), the presence of Nobel laureate Michael Spence. (canablue.com) Presenters: David Brady, Stanford University, Hoover Institution Alessandro Chiaramonte, University of Florence Roberto D’Alimonte, LUISS Lorenzo De Sio, LUISS Vincenzo Emanuele, LUISS John Ferejohn, New York University Hanspeter Kriesi, European University Institute Pedro Magalhães, University of Lisbon Leonardo Morlino, LUISS Aldo Paparo, Stanford University,...

This article analyzes the results of the Italian municipal elections held in May 2011. First, we make a simple count of the municipalities won by the various political blocs, and secondly we make a comparison with the results of regional elections of 2010. We have compared data concerning both the electoral performances of political blocs and those of the political parties who appeared in this election. We also present the results as disaggregated data, both from a demographic standpoint and from a geographical point of view. The analysis shows a clear electoral defeat of the center-right coalition, both in terms of municipalities lost and in terms of percentages of votes obtained. The fact that these two phenomena have occurred especially in the North, its traditional area of electoral strength, makes this defeat particularly significant. The center-left coalition, due to the difficulties of its opponent, gets a good result in terms of number of municipalities won, while not improving its performance in terms of percentages of votes obtained. The centrist coalition, finally, does not get a great performance in terms of votes obtained, but it often proves decisive in forcing the other two coalitions to the second ballot.