


Articolo pubblicato su Il Sole 24 Ore dell'11 giugno. I ballottaggi di domenica, insieme al risultato del primo turno di due settimane fa, hanno ridisegnato la mappa del potere locale in Italia. Ma solo in parte. Il centrodestra avanza ma non sfonda, il centrosinistra arretra ma non crolla, il M5S conferma la sua debolezza in questo tipo di competizione. PD e alleati hanno conquistato 113 comuni superiori ai 15.000 abitanti contro i 71 del centrodestra, ma ne governavano 152 mentre Forza Italia, Lega e FDI ne governavano 38. Il M5S aveva quattro comuni tra cui Livorno e Avellino. Li perde...

  On May 25 European Parliament (EP) election was held in Slovakia, the fourth of its kind since the accession of the country to the EU. Two points are worth mentioning in the beginning. First, the turnout increased considerably since the previous election in 2014. However, with roughly one in four voters who attended the election, it was still the lowest number in the whole EU. Second, the results confirmed substantial changes in political life in the recent development of Slovakia with essential implications for the upcoming years. In line with other EU countries, the elections are held under proportional representation...

Pubblicato su Luiss Open il 16 novembre  Nelle ore immediatamente successive alla chiusura delle urne negli Stati Uniti, lo scorso 3 novembre, non è stato possibile attribuire subito la vittoria al candidato democratico Joe Biden né escludere a strettissimo giro una riconferma del Presidente uscente Donald J. Trump. Questa situazione, in parte inedita, ha fatto scattare in poche ore l’ennesimo processo ai sondaggi di opinione, giudicati ancora una volta fallimentari, soprattutto alla luce del fatto che non si era materializzata la prevista “ondata blu” a favore di Biden e dei Democratici. Prudenza avrebbe...

Next Sunday German voters are called to the polls to elect the new members of the Bundestag. It will be the fourth legislative elections in an important UE country this year, following the Netherlands, France, and the United Kingdom. Unlike in the aforementioned cases, in Germany the electoral outcome appears to be quite certain. According to recent opinion polls, the CDU-CSU (the party led by Chancellor Merkel) should receive roughly 36% of votes, a 5-point decrease compared to the extraordinary result achieved in 2013. The SPD, led by Mr. Schultz, should get a little over 20%. Not enough to challenge Mrs....

The campaign for the 2019 European Parliamentary election in the United Kingdom did not kick off until the last moment as the country’s government had not planned to take part in the election. The UK was originally scheduled to leave the European Union on the 29th of March, but extensions of Article 50 – the legal and political process for leaving the European Union – in late March and mid-April meant that the UK had to participate in the European Parliamentary elections under EU law. Despite this, it was not until the 7th of May that UK Prime Minister...