


  Introduction Contrary to the general European trend, the Maltese Labour Party won the European election held on the 25 May by a comfortable majority and took four of the six European parliament seats allotted to Malta. In 2014 it had also won a majority of votes, but only three seats (Carammia and Pace, 2015). The opposition Nationalist Party failed to arrest its electoral decline whose roots go back to 2004, but won the other two seats. As in the previous three European elections the Europhile parties won more than 96% of the valid votes cast. This is consistent with...

Introduction: a perfect storm? Lorenzo De Sio, Vincenzo Emanuele, Nicola Maggini and Aldo Paparo Part 1 – Before the elections How Berlusconi could yet pull off the unimaginable Roberto D’Alimonte 2013 Italian Parliamentary Election Pre-Election Report Aldo Paparo Even in the Chamber of Deputies, the result is not to be taken for granted Roberto D’Alimonte The uncertainty of Monti’s electoral hold Roberto D’Alimonte The 2013 Senate lottery: Possible scenarios Aldo Paparo Part 2 – The electoral results The live coverage on the CISE website on election day CISE Turnout: An accelerated decline Federico De Lucia and Matteo Cataldi An electoral tsunami hits Italy: 50 provinces washed away from PD and PdL Matteo Cataldi and Vincenzo Emanuele The center-right and...

(English translation by Elisabetta Mannoni) Matteo Renzi won the primaries of the Democratic Party, with an outstanding result (70%) with respect to his two adversaries, the current Minister of Justice Andrea Orlando (19,5%) and the governor of Apulia Michele Emiliano (10,5%). A wide gap between the first and the second (50,5 percentage points), yet coherent with the gap registered in the previous primaries, between Renzi and Gianni Cuperlo (49,8). We can then confirm on the electorate what had already emerged in the vote by party members, held a few weeks ago: a dominant ex-Prime Minister over the other main competitors and a...

  Introduction Elections to the European Parliament (EP) in Poland took place on Sunday, 26 May 2019. Similarly, as in 2014-2015, they were part of a long 'election marathon' during which Poles elected their representatives in local government (October-November 2018), MEPs (May 2019), MPs and senators to the national parliament (most likely October 2019) and President (most likely May 2020). This specific context of subsequent, fourth already in the history of Poland elections to the European Parliament determined their character and course. Due to its specific context - being one of the skirmishes in the long 'electoral war' (planned for years 2018-2020)...