


Segnalazione bibliografica. Autrice: Yanna Krupnikov American Journal of Political Science, Volume 55, Number 4, 1 October 2011 , pp. 797-813(17) Abstract Do negative campaign advertisements affect voter turnout? Existing literature on this topic has produced conflicting empirical results. Some scholars show that negativity is demobilizing. Others show that negativity is mobilizing. Still others show that negativity has no effect on turnout. Relying on the psychology of decision making, this research argues and shows that this empirical stalemate is due to the fact that existing work ignores a crucial...

D’ALIMONTE, R. D. R., & SIO, L. D. (2007). Come e perchè il centrosinistra ha vinto le elezioni 2005. In A. Chiaramonte & G. T. Barbieri (Eds.), Riforme istituzionali e rappresentanza politica nelle Regioni italiane (pp. 145–174). Bologna:...

Per citare l'articolo: Emanuele, V. and Chiaramonte, A. (2020), 'Going out of the ordinary. The de-institutionalization of the Italian party system in comparative perspective', Contemporary Italian Politics, https://doi.org/10.1080/23248823.2020.1711608. Scarica l'articolo qui ABSTRACT Since 2013, the Italian party system has been in turmoil as the old bipolar structure has been swept away by the emergence of new competitors and skyrocketing voter volatility. Instead of being characterized by stabilization, the 2018 general election continued to show turmoil, with a substantial shift in the balance of power...

Operationalizations of the Rokkanian centre-periphery cleavage have traditionally focused on the presence of specific regional political cultures, as well as on cultural fragmentation within a country (at the aggregate level) or on proxy indicators such as town size (at the individual level). We suggest that geographical remoteness from political centres – a key element of the centre-periphery cleavage in the Rokkanian framework – could provide a more accurate measurement of the subjective position of individuals in relationship to the cleavage. As new indicators of this concept, we introduce measures of distance between the place of residence of a citizen and political centres at different hierarchical levels, based on road distances and travel times along traditional roads (also accounting for differences in orography and geography among different countries and regions). We empirically test the impact of such indicators on vote choice on the Italian and French cases. We use survey data from the 2006 ITANES and the 2002 PEF, and information about road distances and travel times obtained through online mapping/routing services. We first assess differences between the two countries in terms of orography and geography. We then estimate multivariate models of vote choice at the individual level, in order to te st the following hypotheses: a) that the new indicators add significant explanatory power, compared to traditional indicators related to the centre-periphery cleavage; b) that the new indicators have different effects on vote choice for different parties, expressing different affinities of these parties with the cleavage.

Bartolini S., D'Alimonte R. (a cura di), Maggioritario ma non troppo. Le elezioni politiche del 1994, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1995. ISBN 978-88-15-04780-9 Dal 1948 ad oggi mai elezioni politiche hanno destato tanta attenzione come quelle del marzo 1994, che per molti commentatori hanno rappresentato l'inizio del graduale passaggio dalla Prima alla Seconda repubblica. Un primo risultato della consultazione era già disponibile a poche ore dalla chiusura dei seggi: un Parlamento nuovo per oltre i due terzi dei suoi componenti. Ma come e con quali mezzi è stata condotta la campagna elettorale? Che ruolo hanno effettivamente svolto i mass media? Come deve essere interpretato...