


Segnalazione bibliografica. European Journal of Political Research, online version Autori: Micheal F. Effert, Thomas Gschwend Abstract Polls and coalition signals can help strategic voters in multiparty systems with proportional representation and coalition governments to optimise their vote decision. Using a laboratory experiment embedded in two real election campaigns, this study focuses on voters' attention to and perception of polls and coalition signals. The manipulation of polls and coalition signals allows a causal test of their influence on strategic voting in a realistic environment. The findings suggest that active information acquisition to form fairly accurate perceptions of election outcomes can compensate for the advantage...

The economic crisis, the fall of the Berlusconi government and the birth of the technocratic government led by Mario Monti have produced several changes in the Italian political system. Certainly, one of the most important innovations in the context of Italian politics has been the emergence of the Five Star Movement. Such a new party has achieved spectacular overnight success in several elections at sub-national level, and now it is the most voted party in the 2013 national elections. The Five Star Movement combines antiestablishment rhetoric with demands for political reform. The article analyses the electoral growth of the Five Star Movement using both aggregate data and individual data from “Osservatorio Politico CISE” (i.e. cross-section and panel surveys conducted from November 2011 to March 2013). In particular, the author investigates whether the profile of the supporters of the Five Star Movement has changed over time, both from a political and a social standpoint. Finally, the author analyses what factors influence the electoral choice for the Five Star Movement, also from a longitudinal perspective.

D’ALIMONTE, R. D. R., & SIO, L. D. (2007). Come e perchè il centrosinistra ha vinto le elezioni 2005. In A. Chiaramonte & G. T. Barbieri (Eds.), Riforme istituzionali e rappresentanza politica nelle Regioni italiane (pp. 145–174). Bologna:...

To cite the article: Emanuele, V. (2021). Lost in Translation? Class Cleavage Roots and Left Electoral Mobilization in Western Europe. Perspectives on Politics, 1-19. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1537592721000943 The article is open access and can be accessed here Abstract I investigate whether the strength of the class cleavage in Western Europe still “translates” into the electoral mobilization of the left. This research question is addressed through comparative longitudinal analysis in nineteen Western European countries after World War II. In particular, the impact of class cleavage is investigated...

To cite the article: Marco Improta, L’elisir di lunga vita? Sfiducia costruttiva e stabilità dei governi in prospettiva comparata, in "Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche" 2/2022, pp. 269-297, doi: 10.1483/104977 The article, published on Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, can be accessed here. Abstract In multiparty parliamentary democracies, government stability is key for effective governance. A considerable body of literature investigated this issue emphasising structure- and crises-related explanations. Recently, a flourishing scholarship has been focussing on institutional determinants of government stability. Among the institutional...