


Segnalazione bibliografica. American Journal of Political Science, Volume 55, Number 4, 1 October 2011 , pp. 923-936(14) Autore: Margit Tavits Abstract This study argues that organizationally stronger local party branches are more powerful within the party than organizationally weaker branches: they can better perform the tasks central to the party, which include communication with, and mobilization of, voters. I further argue that this subunit power should be manifested in the parliamentary behavior and status of MPs: those from districts where the local party organization is strong are more...

This article provides a detailed set of coding rules for disaggregating electoral volatility into two components: volatility caused by new party entry and old party exit, and volatility caused by vote switching across existing parties. After providing an overview of both types of volatility in post-communist countries, the causes of volatility are analysed using a larger dataset than those used in previous studies. The results are startling: most findings based on elections in post-communist countries included in previous studies disappear. Instead, entry and exit volatility is found to be largely a function of long-term economic recovery, and it becomes clear that very little is known about what causes ‘party switching’ volatility. As a robustness test of this latter result, the authors demonstrate that systematic explanations for party-switching volatility in Western Europe can indeed be found.

Goodbye Zona Rossa Il successo del centrodestra nelle comunali 2018 a cura di Aldo Paparo A pochi giorni dall’insediamento del Governo Conte, le elezioni comunali del giugno 2018 chiamavano nuovamente alle urne, a tre mesi dalle politiche del 4 marzo, quasi 7 milioni di italiani per rinnovare gli organi di governo locale in 760 comuni. Le comunali del 2018, quindi, rappresentano un irripetibile occasione per la comunità scientifica di trarre indicazioni circa come gli elettori hanno reagito ai quasi 100 giorni di crisi di governo, agli eventi che si sono susseguiti, e quindi comprendere lo stato dei rapporti di forza fra i...

The Issue Yield model predicts that parties will choose specific issues to emphasise, based on the joint assessment of electoral risks (how divisive is an issue within the party support base) and electoral opportunities (how widely supported is the same issue outside the party). According to this model, issues with high yield are those that combine a high affinity with the existing party base, together with a high potential to reach new voters. In previous work, the model showed a remarkable ability to explain aggregate issue importance as reported by party supporters, as well as issue emphasis in party manifestos. This paper tests the implications at the individual level by comparing a conventional model where issue salience is determined from manifesto data with a revised model where issue salience is determined by issue yield. The empirical findings show that issue yield is a more effective criterion than manifesto emphasis for identifying the issues most closely associated with party support in the minds of voters.

D'Alimonte R., Fusaro C (a cura di), La legislazione elettorale in Italia. Come migliorarla e perché. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008. ISBN 978-88-15-12519-4 L'interruzione, dopo solo due anni, della XV legislatura ha confermato i seri problemi del nostro assetto politico-istituzionale, e in particolare i limiti del sistema elettorale. Nel contempo, ha mostrato una volta di più quanto sia difficile riformare la legislazione in vigore. L'aspro dibattito che ha accompagnato questa conclusione si è soffermato quasi esclusivamente sui vizi macroscopici della legge elettorale del 2005. Ma la legislazione elettorale non riguarda soltanto i meccanismi di trasformazione dei voti in seggi. Nel delineare un'agenda organica e...