


The Department of Political Science at LUISS invites applications for five fully-funded PhD scholarships to commence PhD studies in the academic year 2020/2021. The PhD program is in English, has a duration of four years and includes coursework and training in research methods in the first year.Supervision will be mainly provided by Professors members of the Academic Board. The program also facilitates exchanges with partner universities abroad and provides additional financial support to enable such study periods and field work. The Department of Political Science has excellence in a number of...

Per citare l’articolo: Chiaramonte, A., De Sio, L. and Emanuele, V. (2020), ‘Salvini’s success and the collapse of the Five-star Movement: The European elections of 2019', Contemporary Italian Politics, DOI:10.1080/23248823.2020.1743475. Scarica l’articolo qui ABSTRACT The European Parliament elections of 2019 in Italy can be considered as a crucial turning point for the national political system. Indeed, both the balance of power among parties and the governmental dynamics were deeply affected by the outcome of the 2019 elections. In a context of notable electoral instability, an almost perfect turnaround...

Segnalazione bibliografica. Autori: James Adams, Catherine E. De Vries, Debra Leiter British Journal of Political Science January 2012 42 : pp 81-105 Abstract During the 1980s and the 1990s, the elites of the two largest Dutch parties converged dramatically in debates on income redistribution, nuclear power and the overall Left–Right dimension, paving the way for the Dutch party system's polarization on immigration and cultural issues. Did the Dutch mass public depolarize along with party elites, and, if so, was this mass-level depolarization confined to affluent, educated, politically engaged citizens? Analysis of Dutch Parliamentary Election Study respondents’ policy beliefs and partisan loyalties in 1986–98...

To cite the article: Andrea Capati, Marco Improta & Federico Trastulli (2022) COVID-19 and party competition over the EU: Italy in Early Pandemic Times, European Politics and Society, DOI: 10.1080/23745118.2022.2095170. The article was published on European Politics and Society can be accessed here. Abstract Despite receiving much attention in the literature, existing analyses on the impact of Covid-19 on European societies and politics do not investigate the consequences for party competition over the European Union (EU) dimension. To this end, this article asks whether the pandemic affected the salience of...

Segnalazione bibliografica. Autori: Geoffrey Evans, James Tilley British Journal of Political Science January 2012 42 : pp 137-161 Abstract Why has the association between class and party declined over time? Contrary to conventional wisdom that emphasizes the fracturing of social structures and blurring of class boundaries in post-industrial society, it is argued here that class divisions in party preferences are conditioned by the changing shape of the class structure and the effect of parties’ strategic ideological responses to this transformation on the choices facing voters. This thesis is tested using British survey data from 1959 to 2006. We demonstrate that increasing class heterogeneity...