


La notizia testimonia come sta cambiando il mondo della ricerca e i modelli di pubblicazione: molte case editrici universitarie stanno optando sempre più per rendere disponibili i propri prodotti di ricerca in Open Access, ovvero ad accesso libero e gratuito in forma elettronica (politica da tempo adottata dal CISE per i suoi Dossier divulgativi). Tra queste la Firenze University Press, che - nel suo programma di conversione ad Open Access di molti volumi di ricerca - ha ripubblicato ad accesso libero pochi giorni fa un volume nato nel CISE e pubblicato nel 2011: La politica cambia, i...

Spring 2020: starting from February 19th, the regular Department Seminar Series resumes at the Luiss Department of Political Science (DiSP). Within the Department Seminar series, we at CISE have contributed by organizing six seminars, related to our research interests in political representation. 19 February 2020, h 13:00-14:30 (Room 409, Viale Romania 32)Party Competition in Western Europe: Introducing the Issue Competition Comparative Project (ICCP)Lorenzo De Sio (Luiss) 13 May 2020, h 13:00-14:30 (Room 411, Viale Romania 32)A Cleavage Theory of Political PartiesLiesbet Hooghe (European University Institute) Gary Marks (European University...

Per citare l'articolo: Carolina Plescia, Sylvia Kritzinger & Lorenzo De Sio (2019) "Filling the Void? Political Responsiveness of Populist Parties", Representation, 55:4, 513-533, DOI: 10.1080/00344893.2019.1635197 Scarica l'articolo qui. Abstract: This paper examines the responsiveness of populist parties to the salience of issues amongst the public focusing on a large number of issues on which parties campaign during elections. The paper investigates both left- and right-wing populist parties comparatively in three countries, namely Austria, Germany and Italy. We find that while populist parties carry out an...

The Department of Political Science at LUISS invites applications for five fully-funded PhD scholarships to commence PhD studies in the academic year 2020/2021. The PhD program is in English, has a duration of four years and includes coursework and training in research methods in the first year.Supervision will be mainly provided by Professors members of the Academic Board. The program also facilitates exchanges with partner universities abroad and provides additional financial support to enable such study periods and field work. The Department of Political Science has excellence in a number of...

Per citare l'articolo: Emanuele, V. and Chiaramonte, A. (2020), 'Going out of the ordinary. The de-institutionalization of the Italian party system in comparative perspective', Contemporary Italian Politics, https://doi.org/10.1080/23248823.2020.1711608. Scarica l'articolo qui ABSTRACT Since 2013, the Italian party system has been in turmoil as the old bipolar structure has been swept away by the emergence of new competitors and skyrocketing voter volatility. Instead of being characterized by stabilization, the 2018 general election continued to show turmoil, with a substantial shift in the balance of power...