Tag Articoli con tag "issues"

Tag: issues

We are glad to advertise the launch of the second edition of the summer school ‘Voters’ Behavior and Party Competition in Turbulent Times’. The course is promoted and organized by Luiss within the framework of the Luiss ‘Summer University in Advanced Political and Social Sciences’ program. The course is directed by Prof. Lorenzo De Sio and benefits from the expertise of several scholars and researchers from different Italian and foreign universities all collaborating in the CISE (Italian Center for Electoral Studies). This course introduces students to the analysis of all aspects of the chain of representation (citizens, elections, parties) through the presentation of...

Riproduciamo qui tradotto un articolo apparso oggi sul blog EUROPP della London School of Economics(traduzione di Federico Trastulli) Le elezioni presidenziali americane del 3 novembre saranno seguite dall'Europa con grande intersse. Basandosi su recenti dati di sondaggio originali, Davide Angelucci, Lorenzo De Sio, Morris P. Fiorina e Mark N. Franklin illustrano la sfida che attende Donald Trump nel suo tentativo di rielezione. Al momento non ci sono temi divisivi su cui Trump si trova a ottenere più sostegno da indipendenti e democratici di quanto non possa perdere dalla sua stessa base elettorale; mentre...

Spring 2020: starting from February 19th, the regular Department Seminar Series resumes at the Luiss Department of Political Science (DiSP). Within the Department Seminar series, we at CISE have contributed by organizing six seminars, related to our research interests in political representation. 19 February 2020, h 13:00-14:30 (Room 409, Viale Romania 32)Party Competition in Western Europe: Introducing the Issue Competition Comparative Project (ICCP)Lorenzo De Sio (Luiss) 13 May 2020, h 13:00-14:30 (Room 411, Viale Romania 32)A Cleavage Theory of Political PartiesLiesbet Hooghe (European University Institute) Gary Marks (European University...

The year of challengers? Issues, public opinion, and elections in Western Europe in 2017 edited by Lorenzo De Sio and Aldo Paparo Within the seven-month period going from mid-March to mid-October of 2017, five Western-European democracies held their general elections: the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Austria. This provided an exceptional opportunity to study public opinion structures in these countries in the particularly turbulent context that followed disruptive electoral developments such as the Brexit referendum and the election of Donald Trump. To exploit this opportunity, the CISE launched an innovative comparative research project to empirically assess before the elections the preferences of...

Introduction: Mapping public opinion on issues in elections across Europe in 2017  Lorenzo De Sio and Aldo Paparo Part I – Netherlands The Dutch Parliamentary election of 2017: a case study of issue competition Lorenzo De Sio Towards the next Dutch general election: issues at stake, support and priority Vincenzo Emanuele, Lorenzo De Sio and Mathilde van Ditmars  Towards the next Dutch general election: party credibility on different issues Aldo Paparo, Lorenzo De Sio and Mathilde van Ditmars Towards the next Dutch general election: the issue opportunity structure for parties Nicola Maggini, Lorenzo De Sio and Mathilde van Ditmars It's the culture, stupid! Issue competition in the 2017 Dutch election Lorenzo De Sio...