Tag Articoli con tag "western europe"

Tag: western europe

Per citare l'articolo: Emanuele, V. and Sikk, A. (2020), '​Party crashers? Modeling genuinely new party development paths in Western Europe', Party Politics, DOI:10.1177/1354068820911355. Scarica l'articolo qui Abstract Western Europe has recently experienced the emergence of successful new parties, but while single parties or countries have been extensively studied, insufficient attention has been devoted to this phenomenon from a comparative and long-term perspective. By relying on an original data set covering 20 countries and 344 parliamentary elections, this article presents the first analysis of West European...

Nell'intervista a Luiss Open del 7 Ottobre 2019, Vincenzo Emanuele presenta i risultati di un recente articolo pubblicato su Government and Opposition e scritto in collaborazione con Alessandro Chiaramonte e Sorina Soare. Riportiamo di seguito il testo integrale dell'intervista. Professor Emanuele, based on your experience, what are the competences that must belong to a researcher interested in political party systems? The fundamental feature is flexibility, from two particular points of view. Firstly, “flexibility” in terms of a great international openness: it is necessary to gain experience abroad, to avail of even short...

Negli ultimi anni, i sistemi di partito dell'Europa occidentale sono risultati permeabili all'ingresso di nuovi partiti. Nuove formazioni politiche hanno ottenuto successi elettorali rilevanti, ottenendo rappresentanza in parlamento e, in alcuni casi, accedendo al governo dei rispettivi paesi. Si pensi, solo per menzionare i casi più noti, al Movimento Cinque Stelle, a Podemos, Ciudadanos e Vox in Spagna, al partito del Presidente Macron (La Republique en marche) in Francia, ad Alternativa per la Germania o ad Alba Dorata in Grecia. Cosa spiega il successo dei nuovi partiti in Europa occidentale? Quali fattori sono responsabili...

Emanuele, V. (2018), ‘Cleavages, institutions, and competition. Understanding vote nationalization in Western Europe (1965-2015)’, London: Rowman and Littlefield/ECPR Press. ISBN: 9781786606730   The study of how party systems are structured across territorial lines is a crucial research question for political scientists, whose answer is fraught with consequences for the political system and the democratic process. This book addresses this topic, asking: What has been the evolution of the vote nationalisation process in Western Europe during the last fifty years? Which factors can account for the vote nationalisation’s variance across Western European party system? Through a macro-comparative perspective and original empirical research, involving 230 parliamentary elections in sixteen...