


Aldo Paparo & Lorenzo De Sio (2017) PTV gap as a new measure of partisanship: a panel-data, multi-measure validation showing surprising partisanship stability, Contemporary Italian Politics, 9:1, 60-83, DOI: 10.1080/23248823.2017.1289733 Abstract Comparative studies of partisanship lack a comparable transatlantic measure. In the U.S. the traditional ANES measure is used, while in European multi-party systems a party-closeness measure is mostly used. A recent contribution proposed PTV (propensity-to-vote) gap as a potential solution to this issue, showing that the gap in PTV scores between the best- and the second best-placed party has desirable properties in the American case. In this article we test the...

D’Alimonte, R., & De Sio, L. (2007). Come e perché il centrosinistra ha vinto le elezioni 2005. In A. Chiaramonte & G. Tarli Barbieri (Eds.), Riforme istituzionali e rappresentanza politica nelle Regioni italiane (pp. 145–174). Bologna: Il...

De Sio, L., & Paparo, A. (2014). Elettori alla deriva? I flussi di voto tra il 2008 e il 2013. In Terremoto elettorale. Le elezioni politiche del 2013 (pp. 129–152). Bologna: Il Mulino.

Although the mostly reported outcome of the Dutch Elections, held on 15 March 2017, is that Geert Wilders’ party PVV did not become the largest party, a lot of significant changes to other parties’ support have occurred as well. The most important outcomes of the elections are the historically large loss for Labour party PvdA, and large wins for cosmopolitan party D66 and the Green Left (GL). The picture that appears is an even more fragmented party system than is usual in The Netherlands. However, our comparative study on issue competition, featuring an original data collection on the Netherlands (see...

D’ALIMONTE, R. D. R. (1997). Les miracles du mode de scrutin. In I. DIAMANTI & M. LAZAR (Eds.), Politique a l’italienne (pp. pp. 45–64). PARIS: PUF.