Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

CHIARAMONTE, A. C. A., & Maggini, N. (2013). The 2013 Election Results. Protest Voting and Political Stalemate. STUDIA POLITICA, XIII, 641–658.

Aldo Paparo, Challenger’s delight: The results of the 2018 Italian general election, Italian Political Science, Volume 13, Issue 1, pp. 63–81. ABSTRACT The results of the 2018 general election were shocking. Although the main competitors were the same as in 2013 (the centre-right coalition, the centre-left coalition, and the Movimento 5 Stelle), great uncertainty sur-rounded the electoral outcome because of the application of a new electoral system, and polls data indicating the competitiveness of the multiple political formations and the high number of undecided voters. For the first time in Western European history, a successful debutant managed not to lose votes in...

CHIARAMONTE, A. C. A., & D’Alimonte, R. (2013). The Twilight of the Berlusconi Era: Local Elections and National Referendums in Italy, May and June 2011. In A. Bosco & S. Verney (Eds.), Elections in Hard Times: Southern Europe 2010-11 (pp. 13...

To cite the article: Marco Improta, Unpacking government instability. Cabinet duration, innovation, and termination events in Italy between 1948 and 2021, in "Quaderni di scienza politica" 2/2022, pp. 151-180, doi: 10.48271/104790 The article, published on Quaderni di Scienza Politica, can be accessed here Abstract Government instability is widely recognised as a distinctive feature of the Italian political system. This topic has traditionally received considerable scholarly attention. In particular, an established body of research has demonstrated that Italian cabinets are among the most short-lived in...

D’ALIMONTE, R. D. R. (2013). Sistemi elettorali. In G. Pasquino, M. Regalia, & M. Valbruzzi (Eds.), Quaranta anni di scienza politica in Italia (pp. 121–136). BOLOGNA: Il Mulino.