


Nicola Maggini Young People’s Voting Behaviour in Europe. A Comparative Perspective Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016 ISBN: 978-1-137-59243-9 (online)  978-1-137-59242-2 (print) DOI: 10.1057/978-1-137-59243-9 Abstract: This book uses various concepts of ‘age’ to examine young people’s voting behaviour in six European countries between 1981 and 2000. It addresses questions such as: what are the determinants of voting choices among young people, and to what extent are these factors different from those of adults? Through an innovative approach aimed at studying party choice with a strong empirical orientation, the author argues that age is less important in influencing voting choices than having been young and socialized to...

Emanuele, Vincenzo. (n.d.). Ite, missa est: dove sono andati i praticanti? In C&LS Candidate and Leader Selection, Forza Doria. Divertissements seri sulle elezioni primarie (pp. 107–112). Novi Ligure: Edizioni Epoké. Retrieved from http://www.ed...

The article was published on Italian Political Science can be accessed here. Abstract In recent times, technocratic transformations occurring in the governmental arena of European political systems have prompted growing scholarly interest. This study aims to contribute to this flourishing research agenda by examining the features of Italian technocratic ministers, the underpinnings of their government involvement, and the trajectories they have followed after ruling responsibility from 1948 to 2021. The main findings of the study show that: (a) there is a clear gendered pattern in technocratic appointments; (b) university professors are...

BARTOLINI, S., CHIARAMONTE, A., & D’ALIMONTE, R. D. R. (2002). Maggioritario finalmente? Il bilancio di tre prove. In R. D’Alimonte & S. Bartolini (Eds.), Maggioritario finalmente? La transizione elettorale 1994-2001 (pp. 363–379). Bologn...

A new article by Davide Angelucci and Lorenzo De Sio, titled Issue characterization of electoral change (and how recent elections in Western Europe were won on economic issues), has been just published by the Italian Journal of Electoral Studies. The article is now officially available here. Leveraging the issue-rich ICCP dataset (data and documentation is openly accessible and available free of charge through the ICCP and GESIS websites), the article investigates the issue determinants of vote change in six important European countries between 2017 and 2018 (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, UK). The...