


Nicola Maggini, Lorenzo De Sio and Mathilde van Ditmars Following on the tools provided by issue yield theory (De Sio and Weber 2014), this analysis provides a specific perspective on the data we at CISE collected through a CAWI survey few weeks before the Dutch election. We rely here on an innovative measurement of positional issues, which allows to derive a common issue yield index for this kind of issues. Positional issues are, in general, defined by reference to two rival goals (e.g. progressive vs. traditional morality): the issue yield measure permits us to assess the presence of strategic issue opportunities for a...

Segnalazione bibliografica. American Journal of Political Science, Volume 55, Number 4, 1 October 2011 , pp. 753-766(14) Autori: John Barry Ryan Abstract This article reports on a small group experiment studying how the preferences of an individual's social network affect her ability to vote for the candidate who will provide her with the greater benefit on both valence issues and position issues. The research diverges from traditional formal models and experimental studies of social communication by expanding the communication network beyond the dyad. The results suggest that social...

Maggini, N. (2010). Giovani e partecipazione. Quaderni Del Circolo Rosselli, 107(2), 134–136.

Despite primary elections in Italy continue to be asymmetric – i.e. carried out only by the center-left coalition – their ability to involve the electorate and their growing media impact make it a powerful democratic tool. In this article we study the 2012 Italian primary elections, held by the center-left coalition in order to select the prime ministerial candidate for the 2013 general elections. In particular, we will shed light on three dimensions: turnout, electoral results and competitiveness. We will also take into account the role played by the new candidate selection rule – the two-round system – which will allow us to collect a lot of information about the voting behavior of the selectorate. What has been the turnout level in the 2012 Italian primary elections? Which similarities and differences can be found in the patterns of participation between the first and the second round? Which factors may explain the territorial differences in turnout levels? What have been the territorial patterns of voting behavior for the main candidates? The 2012 primary elections have been more or less competitive with respect to the previous Italian national primaries? We will try to address these questions through the use of a mainly quantitative methodology with aggregate data.

D'Alimonte R., Fusaro C (a cura di), La legislazione elettorale in Italia. Come migliorarla e perché. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008. ISBN 978-88-15-12519-4 L'interruzione, dopo solo due anni, della XV legislatura ha confermato i seri problemi del nostro assetto politico-istituzionale, e in particolare i limiti del sistema elettorale. Nel contempo, ha mostrato una volta di più quanto sia difficile riformare la legislazione in vigore. L'aspro dibattito che ha accompagnato questa conclusione si è soffermato quasi esclusivamente sui vizi macroscopici della legge elettorale del 2005. Ma la legislazione elettorale non riguarda soltanto i meccanismi di trasformazione dei voti in seggi. Nel delineare un'agenda organica e...