Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

To cite the article: Emanuele, V., Marino, B., and Diodati, N. M. (2022) When institutions matter: electoral systems and intraparty fractionalization in Western Europe, Comparative European Politics, DOI: 10.1057/s41295-022-00319-z The article, published on Comparative European Politics, can be accessed here. Abstract The comparative study of intraparty divisions and their determinants has been a long-debated matter, but some issues remain unresolved. First, the problem of the empirical identification of intraparty groups. Second, the lack of comparative perspective and large-N cross-country and cross-time analyses, given intraparty divisions...

Emanuele, V., Maggini, N and Marino, B. (2016). ‘Gaining Votes in Europe against Europe? How National Contexts Shaped the Results of Eurosceptic Parties in the 2014 European Parliament Elections’, Journal of Contemporary European Research. 12 (3), 697-715. Abstract In the wake of the harshest economic crisis since 1929, in several European countries there has been a rise of Eurosceptic parties that oppose EU integration. The 2014 European Parliament elections were a fundamental turning point for these parties. In this article, after a theoretical discussion on the concept of Euroscepticism, we provide an updated classification of Eurosceptic parties after the 2014 European Parliament elections. We...

Negli ultimi anni, i sistemi di partito dell'Europa occidentale sono risultati permeabili all'ingresso di nuovi partiti. Nuove formazioni politiche hanno ottenuto successi elettorali rilevanti, ottenendo rappresentanza in parlamento e, in alcuni casi, accedendo al governo dei rispettivi paesi. Si pensi, solo per menzionare i casi più noti, al Movimento Cinque Stelle, a Podemos, Ciudadanos e Vox in Spagna, al partito del Presidente Macron (La Republique en marche) in Francia, ad Alternativa per la Germania o ad Alba Dorata in Grecia. Cosa spiega il successo dei nuovi partiti in Europa occidentale? Quali fattori sono responsabili...

CHIARAMONTE, A. C. A., & Emanuele, V. (2014). Bipolarismo addio? Il sistema partitico tra cambiamento e de-istituzionalizzazione. In A. Chiaramonte & L. D. Sio (Eds.), Terremoto elettorale. Le elezioni politiche del 2013 (pp. 233–262). BOLOGN...

In the three Italian political elections held with the 75%-plurality, mixed-member electoral system, a systematic difference can be observed in vote shares obtained by the two major party coalitions in the plurality versus proportional vote. The article analyses the sources of these differences in the 2001 political elections. Based on precinct data for the whole country, separate analyses are carried out - using the Goodman model - in order to build "turnover tables" between the two arenas for each district of the country. Differentiated behaviours are thus quantified and commented at the national level. An explanatory analysis is then presented, in order to ascertain significant relations between such behaviours and district-level variables such as geographical area, urban setting, number of candidates contesting the district and party affiliation of coalition candidates. The overall result is that differentiated behaviours are dictated both by evaluation of the national competition setting and historical legacy regarding the perception and evaluation of the political space.