


A wide range of studies find that democracies experience more terrorism than non-democracies. However, surprisingly little terrorism research takes into account the variation among democracies in terms of their electoral institutions. Furthermore, despite much discussion of the differences in terrorist groups’ goals in the literature, little quantitative work distinguishes among groups with different goals, and none explores whether and how the influence of electoral institutions varies among groups with different goals. The argument in this article posits that electoral institutions influence the emergence of within-system groups, which seek policy changes, but do not influence the emergence of anti-system groups, which seek a complete overthrow of the existing regime and government. The study finds that within-system groups are significantly less likely to emerge in democracies that have a proportional representation system and higher levels of district magnitude, while neither of these factors affects the emergence of anti-system groups.

CHIARAMONTE, A. C. A. (2011). Recensione del volume: P. Bellucci e P. Segatti (a cura di), Votare in Italia: 1968-2008. Dall’appartenenza alla scelta, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2010. RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI SOCIOLOGIA, 51, 703–704.

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D’ALIMONTE, R. D. R. (2013). The Italian Elections of February 2013: the End of the Second Republic ? CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN POLITICS, 5, 113–129.

Alessandro Chiaramonte, Vincenzo Emanuele, Nicola Maggini, Aldo Paparo, Populist Success in a Hung Parliament: The 2018 General Election in Italy, South European Society and Politics, DOI:10.1080/13608746.2018.1506513. ABSTRACT The 2018 Italian general elections were a crucial test to assess the resilience of mainstream parties vis-à-vis the challenge provided by populist forces and the stabilisation of the tripolar party system emerged in 2013. The article analyses the outcome of the election, whose most remarkable result was the unprecedented success of two populist parties, the M5S and the Lega, by focusing on key aspects such as the new electoral system, the coalition-building process, the electoral...