


Policy Brief n.9/2021 della Luiss School of Government L'Italia si trova puntualmente a dover fare i conti con una delle sue caratteristiche politico-istituzionali più gravose e deleterie: l'instabilità di governo. La recente caduta del secondo Governo Conte è solo l'ultima manifestazione di quella che sembra in modo evidente una patologia del nostro sistema politico. Una patologia che comporta ricadute su ambiti che riguardano anche la capacità di programmazione economica, la gestione dei rapporti internazionali e il livello di disaffezione dell'opinione pubblica nei confronti delle istituzioni. L’esecutivo guidato da Giuseppe Conte e...

On the next 8th June, UK voters will be faced with a decisive election, which could have a profound impact not only on British internal affairs but also on the Brexit negotiations with the European Union. Beyond the analysis of the UK public opinion and political parties, derived from the original survey conducted by the CISE, a matter that requires further investigation and has been gaining increasing attention by pundits and the media is surely the forecasting of the composition of the next House of Commons.  In the past few days, more and more experts have been underlying that the...

The context The 2019 European elections were held only a few months after the October 2018 parliamentary elections. Surveys for the latter elections had predicted that the Christian Social People’s Party (CSV) would win votes and return into government after being an opposition party for the second time since World War II during the 2013-2018 parliament. In the end, the CSV lost 5.2 percentage points of the national vote and two of its parliamentary seats, while the government coalition of the liberal DP, the social democratic LSAP and the Greens kept a majority of seats (31 out of 60) and...

Pubblicato su Il Sole 24 Ore del 16 dicembre Il 22 ottobre 2014 il Parlamento Europeo ha approvato la Commissione Juncker con 423 voti a favore, 209 contrari e 67 astensioni. Dei sette gruppi politici allora esistenti hanno votato a favore i popolari (PPE), i socialisti (S&D) e i liberali (ALDE). Questi sono i tre gruppi rappresentati nella Commissione. Hanno votato contro i verdi (Greens-EFA), la sinistra (GUE-NGL) e i sovranisti del gruppo di Farage (EFDD). I conservatori si sono divisi. I socialisti spagnoli, pur appartenendo al gruppo dei Socialisti e Democratici, si sono astenuti. La Commissione Juncker ha potuto...

Why has Spain elections in 2019? This is the third time since 2015 that Spaniards have voted in a general election. In the first one, the levels of electoral volatility where unprecedented (more than 35 per cent of the voters switched parties between 2011 and 2015) and the number of electoral parties increased in a notable way, from 3.3 to 5.0 (Rama Caamaño 2016). The instability of the party system was profound. In 2015, the high degree of parliamentary fragmentation made it impossible to secure support from a majority of Deputies and constitute a Government (Simon 2016), so Spaniards had to...