Elezioni nel mondo

Elezioni nel mondo

Elezioni nel mondo

David W. Brady detiene la cattedra Bowen H. e Janice Arthur McCoy di Scienze Politiche presso la Graduate School of Business (GSB) della Stanford University ed è il Davies Family Senior Fellow presso l’Hoover Institution. Da molti anni, attraverso la Hoover Institution della Stanford University, è partner del CISE per ricerche comparate internazionali e transatlantiche su temi elettorali. Brett Parker è uno studente di dottorato presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche della Stanford University e assistente di ricerca presso la Hoover Institution. Traduzione di Elisabetta Mannoni. In merito alle elezioni della Camera del 2018, la stampa si è per lo più soffermata sul...

The major winners of the 2017 Austrian election held on October 15 were the parties of the right of the ideological spectrum. The Christian democratic People’s Party (ÖVP) obtained 31.5% of votes, coming in first place and increasing its vote share by more than 7 percentage points and obtaining 15 parliamentary seats more compared to the last general election held in 2013. Despite being unable to secure the second position and to equal the all-time high election results of 1999, the populist far right Freedom party (FPÖ) increased its vote share since 2013 by 5.5 points to 26 per...

(English translation by Elisabetta Mannoni) So Macron and Le Pen get to the second round. An historical result that - as almost all commentators highlighted - excludes both socialists and the neo-Gaullist right, who had dominated the French political life for decades. However, what are the reasons and voting motivations behind this result? Where does Macron’s success come from? What about his cross-cutting appeal? What about Mélenchon’s exploit? Does it come from his controversial positions? Or is it a identification vote by the French left, disappointed with the Hamon candidacy? We can’t answer to these questions only by looking at the...

Dr. Alistair Clark, Newcastle University E: Alistair.clark@ncl.ac.uk T: @ClarkAlistairJ In my earlier blog for CISE on the UK’s 2015 general election, I noted how uncertain the polls were, with none of the two main British parties – Conservative or Labour - able to make a decisive break prior to polling day. I ended by suggesting that there was likely to be an investigation into the polling industry after election day. One of those predictions came true. Unfortunately for the reputation of political science predictions, it was that there will be an inquiry into the performance of the polling industry. Expectations were of a hung...

Traduzione di un articolo in inglese originariamente e pubblicato su The American Interest. Copyright © The American Interest LLC 2005-2018. Bruce E. Cain è il Professore Charles Louis Ducommun di Scienze Umane presso il dipartimento di Scienze Politiche alla Stanford University. Inoltre, è il direttore Spence e Cleone Eccles Family del Bill Lane Centro per l'Ovest Americano e Senior Fellow presso il Woods Institute for the Environment, il SIEPR, e il Precourt Institute for Energy. Da alcuni anni è partner del CISE per studi comparati in ambiti quali le conseguenze dello sviluppo tecnologico sul processo democratico e la competizione politica. Tra pochi giorni, molti americani parteciperanno ad ancora un’altra elezione...