


D’ALIMONTE, R. D. R. (2013). Sistemi elettorali. In G. Pasquino, M. Regalia, & M. Valbruzzi (Eds.), Quaranta anni di scienza politica in Italia (pp. 121–136). BOLOGNA: Il Mulino.

This article aims to investigate under which circumstances policy representation can exist in terms of agreement in voters' perceptions of parties' left–right positions. The focal point in the study is on how voters' perceptions are affected not only by individual characteristics but also by various contextual factors related to the political parties and the political systems. With data from the CSES on individual voters and various system characteristics from election surveys in 32 countries, this article shows that what in earlier findings have appeared as national context effects rather are party effects when being decomposed. System related variables have only a small impact on voters' perceptions while the party- followed by the individually related variables exerted the greatest impact.

CHIARAMONTE, A. C. A. (2013). Gli sviluppi della legislazione elettorale in Italia. In AA.VV. (Ed.), Associazione per gli studi e le ricerche parlamentari. Quaderno n. 22 - Seminario 2011 (pp. 85–99). TORINO: Giappichelli.

Wlezien, C. (2013). Russell J. Dalton and Christopher Anderson (eds), Citizens, context, and choice: How context shapes citizens’ electoral choices, reviewed by Christopher Wlezien. Party Politics, 19(4), 684–686. http://doi.org/10.1177/13540688134...

D’Alimonte, R., Di Virgilio, A., & Maggini, N. (2013). I risultati elettorali: bipolarismo addio? In ITANES (Ed.), Voto amaro. Disincanto e crisi economica nelle elezioni del 2013 (pp. 17–32). Bologna: Il Mulino. Retrieved from https://www.muli...