


Segnalazione bibliografica. Autori: Brian Greenhill; Michael D. Ward; Audrey Sacks American Journal of Political Science, Volume 55, Number 4, 1 October 2011 , pp. 991-1002(12) Abstract We present a visual method for assessing the predictive power of models with binary outcomes. This technique allows the analyst to evaluate model fit based upon the models’ ability to consistently match high-probability predictions to actual occurrences of the event of interest, and low-probability predictions to nonoccurrences of the event of interest. (https://www.speedclean.com/) Unlike existing methods for assessing predictive power...

This paper proposes a general theory of individual-level heterogeneity in economic voting based on the perspective that the strength of the relationship varies with factors that influence the relevance of the economic evaluation to the vote choice. We posit that the electoral relevance of the economic evaluation increases with the strength of partisanship as well as political sophistication. Given the strong correlation between partisanship and sophistication, this theoretical perspective casts doubt on extant evidence that more sophisticated voters are more likely to hold the incumbent party electorally accountable for macroeconomic performance since this result might be an artifact of failing to control for the economic evaluation being more relevant to the vote choice of stronger partisans. Our statistical investigation of this question finds no significant evidence that sophistication conditions the economic voting relationship once the conditioning effect of partisanship is included in the model. This finding suggests that individual-level heterogeneity in the strength of the economic voting relationship is largely due to stronger partisans voting more consistently with their national economic evaluation than to more sophisticated voters being more policy-oriented by holding the incumbent party more electorally accountable for macroeconomic performance.

D'Alimonte R., Bartolini S. (a cura di), Maggioritario per caso. Le elezioni politiche del 1996, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1997. ISBN 978-88-15-05786-0 A due anni dalle "rivoluzionarie" elezioni del 1994, nell'aprile del 1996 il nuovo sistema elettorale italiano - maggioritario ma non troppo - è stato di nuovo chiamato alla prova. Il voto ha prodotto tre dati sorprendenti: una maggioranza alla Camea e al Senato; la stessa maggioranza in entrambe le Camere; una maggioranza completamente diversa da quella di centro-destra emersa nel 1994 e presto disgregatasi. Il volume fornisce un'analisi completa e dettagliata della campagna elettorale e dei risultati del voto, cogliendo ciò che...

Segnalazione bibliografica. Autore: Ruth Dassonneville Acta Politica 47, 18-41 (January 2012) Abstract In this article, we investigate voter volatility and analyse the causes and motives of switching vote intentions. We test two main sets of variables linked to volatility in literature; political sophistication and political disaffection. Results show that voters with low levels of political efficacy tend to switch more often, both within a campaign and between elections. In the analysis, we differentiate between campaign volatility and inter-election volatility, and by doing so show that the dynamics of a campaign have a profound impact on volatility. The campaign period is when the lowly...

D'Alimonte R., Chiaramonte A. (a cura di), Proporzionale ma non solo. Le elezioni politiche del 2006, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007. ISBN 978-88-15-12047-5 Abolendo i collegi uninominali, la nuova legge elettorale del 2005 ha suscitato l'impressione di un ritorno al passato. Al pari del precedente, in realtà, quello adottato è un sistema misto, dove certamente il meccanismo proporzionale pesa di più, ma è affiancato da una robusta componente maggioritaria (il premio di maggioranza). In compenso, le coalizioni sono diventate più deboli e gli elettori meno influenti a vantaggio dei partiti, che nominano i candidati grazie alle liste bloccate. Come documentano le rigorose analisi sulle...