Elezioni nel mondo

Elezioni nel mondo

Elezioni nel mondo

On the 15th of October 2017, Austrian voters are called to the polls to elect a new parliament (Nationalrat). The snap elections were called immediately after Sebastian Kurz, the 31-year-old minister of foreign affairs succeeded Reinhold Mitterlehner as leader of the Christian democratic People’ s Party (ÖVP) in May 2017. Kurz’s leadership and a new party brand (“The new People’s party”) lead to an enormous ascent in the polls for the party. As of today, less than a week before the election, Kurz’s way to the Austrian chancellorship appears to be rather sure. Sebastian Kurz was successful in establishing himself...

The eventful and unconventional campaign for the French presidential elections (partly) came to an end on Sunday night. Centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron (24,0%) and radical right Marine Le Pen (21,3%) of the Front National have both qualified for the run-off of the presidential election. Even though polls had predicted this results in the months coming to the election, it still constitutes a surprise. The outcome is historically close, and 4 candidates have gathered around 20% of the electorate, and both mainstream parties have been eliminated. After Macron and Le Pen, right-wing candidate François Fillon (20,0%) and radical left Jean-Luc...

function getDesc(s) { retval = ""; if (s=="a1") { retval = "a Sarkozy"; } else if(s=="a0") { retval = "a Hollande" } else if(s=="a1") { retval = "a Sarkozy" } else if(s=="a2") { retval = "a Le Pen" } else if(s=="a3") { retval = "a Sinistra (Mélenchon, Joly)" } else if(s=="a4") { retval = "a Centro (Bayrou)" } else if(s=="a5") { retval = "a Estrema sinistra (Poutou, Arthaud)" } else if(s=="a6") { retval = "a Altri (Dupont-Aignan, Cheminade)" } else if(s=="as") { retval = "all'astensione" } return retval; } function is_int(value){ if((parseFloat(value) == parseInt(value)) && !isNaN(value)){ return true; } else { return...

di Federico De Lucia Dopo un mese di instabilità politica, con la pressione internazionale sul collo, gli elettori greci sono tornati all urne per consegnare un governo al proprio Paese. Le elezioni di Maggio avevano dato luogo ad un Parlamento frammentato ed ideologicamente contrapposto, con i partiti favorevoli alle misure draconiane concordate con Bruxelles (Nea Demokratia  e il Pasok) incapaci (per un soffio) di raggiungere la maggioranza assoluta dei seggi. Dopo un’intensa settimana di incontri, è stata certificata l’indisponibilità di tutti gli altri partiti a dar luogo ad un governo di unità nazionale, ed il Presidente della Repubblica ha dovuto...

Nina Liljeqvist The Swedish Social Democratic Party (S) showed in last week’s general election how to win, without being much of a winner. The party did receive the most votes (31 %), and together with the other two opposition parties on the left – the Left party (V) (5,7 %) and the Greens (Mp) (6,9 %) – the red-green parties garnered 43,6 percent of the vote share. According to the final results just released by the election authority, this corresponds to 159 seats in parliament, which is short of the 175 needed for a parliamentary majority. The red-green block beat...