


Four weeks ahead of the US presidential election, most polls report a 10-point Biden lead in popular vote intentions. But what is, in detail, behind such lead? In an age of issue competition, where vote choices are more and more structured by specific issues (a good example being Trump winning Rust Belt states in 2016 with his promise to bring back jobs to the US), what are the issues where Biden enjoys a competitive advantage? What are Trump's? Answers come from the exclusive CAWI survey we at CISE ran on a sample of...

Per citare l'articolo: Emanuele, V., Marino, B. and Angelucci, D. (2020), The congealing of a new cleavage? The evolution of the demarcation bloc in Europe (1979–2019). Italian Political Science Review. doi: Scarica l'articolo qui Abstract Over recent years, a new transnational conflict has been deemed to be structuring political conflict in Europe. Several scholars have posited the emergence of a new ‘demarcation’ vs. ‘integration’ cleavage, pitting the ‘losers’ and ‘winners’ of globalization against each other. This new conflict is allegedly structured along...

Per citare l'articolo: Brader, T., De Sio, L., Paparo, A. and Tucker, J.A. (2020), “Where You Lead, I Will Follow”: Partisan Cueing on High‐Salience Issues in a Turbulent Multiparty System. Political Psychology. doi:10.1111/pops.12651 Scarica l'articolo qui. Abstract: The ability of parties to not only reflect, but actually shape, citizens' preferences on policy issues has been long debated, as it corresponds to a fundamental prediction of classic party identification theory. While most research draws on data from the United States or...

Da ormai più di un anno, il CISE collabora attivamente - curando la sezione Public Opinion Trends - al "Monthly Report" (in inglese) sulla politica italiana pubblicato dalla Luiss School of Government. Il Monthly Report della SOG mira a fornire ad analisti, giornalisti e investitori internazionali una guida allo scenario politico, al processo decisionale e alle tendenze dell'opinione pubblica in Italia.Ripubblichiamo di seguito i contenuti della sezione Public Opinion Trends, a cura del CISE, dal Monthly Report di Febbraio 2020. L'intero rapporto è scaricabile qui. The polls In the...

The Department of Political Science at LUISS invites applications for five fully-funded PhD scholarships to commence PhD studies in the academic year 2020/2021. The PhD program is in English, has a duration of four years and includes coursework and training in research methods in the first year.Supervision will be mainly provided by Professors members of the Academic Board. The program also facilitates exchanges with partner universities abroad and provides additional financial support to enable such study periods and field work. The Department of Political Science has excellence in a number of...