


An international scientific conference organized by the CISE, in collaboration with the LUISS School of Government and the ITANES Association - Italian National Election Studies. Rome, 6-7 October 2011 Main Meeting Room LUISS School of Government Via di Villa Emiliani 14 Participants: Paolo Bellucci University of Siena David Brady Stanford University Bruno Cautres CNRS and CEVIPOF - Paris Pasquale Colloca University of Bologna Piergiorgio Corbetta University of Bologna Chistophe Crombez University of Leuven, Stanford University Roberto D’Alimonte LUISS Guido Carli  - Rome Lorenzo De Sio LUISS Guido Carli - Rome Morris Fiorina Stanford University Donald Green Columbia University Bernard Grofman University of California, Irvine Nicola Maggini SUM - Florence Radoslaw Markowski Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities Douglas Rivers Stanford University Hans M.A. Schadee University of Milano-Bicocca Hermann Schmitt University of...

A multidisciplinary seminar series for empirical research on democratic representation The CISE (Italian Center for Electoral Studies) organizes a seminar series articulated on a weekly basis. The first series of seminars will run, on an experimental weekly basis, in November and December 2018. It was born from: the need and interest of the CISE to establish a practice of open discussion for the work in progress of its researchers; the aim to establish and consolidate a network of scientific interaction relating the CISE within the LUISS research community (both in the Department of Political Science and in other departments) and with...

  The European Parliament elections of 2019 in Greece took place on 26 May together with municipal and regional elections. The governmental party of the radical left SYRIZA suffered severe losses and the centre-right party of New Democracy (ND) increased its electoral strength and dominates again in the Greek party system after the period 2012-2015. The outcome of the election had immediate consequences for the national electoral arena. On the night of the election, the Greek PM Alexis Tsipras called for snap elections (four months ahead) to be held on 7 July 2019. The context The 2019 European election in Greece was...

The recent presidential elections in Poland have seen the unexpected victory of Andrzej Duda, candidate of the conservative right. However, Mikołaj Cześnik from SWPS Warsaw (University of Social Sciences and Humanities) reveals how Duda and its PiS (Law and Justice) party, expected to win the parliamentary elections in the next fall, will likely keep Poland's pro-EU stances mostly unchanged, and perhaps even promote economic measures aimed at more equality. Watch the full interview.  

The election of the European Parliament took place in metropolitan France on May 26 (oversees departments had already voted the day before). 74 seats were to be filled, with an additional 5 seats on reserve in case of a Brexit. The election is based on a proportional system, with a 5 per cent minimum threshold: Only lists which pass this threshold obtain representatives in the European Parliament. The party lists are closed, meaning that citizens vote for one list, but cannot express any preference for specific candidates within that list. While this electoral rule was similar to the one...