


To cite the article: Casiraghi, M.C.M., Curini, L., Maggini, N. and Nai, A. (2024). Who looks up to the Leviathan? Ideology, political trust, and support for restrictive state interventions in times of crisis. European Political Science Review. DOI:10.1017/S1755773923000401 The article is open access and can be accessed here. Abstract The extent in which voters from different ideological viewpoints support state interventions to curb crises remains an outstanding conundrum, marred by conflicting evidence. In this article, we...

The selection is still open (until Apr 10). The figure we are looking for (details in the call for applications-see PDF below) will deal with quantitative social media analysis, also through computational methods, so that familiarity with Python and/or R (possibly including API access) is an important plus. The call for applications is for a two-year post-doctoral position at Luiss Rome within the CISE-run, nationally funded (PRIN) POSTGEN project - Generational gap and post-ideological politics in Italy. The position also offers interesting teaching opportunities; moreover, due to the geographically distributed nature of the project...

A. Chiaramonte, L. De Sio (a cura di) Un polo solo. Le elezioni politiche del 2022 Bologna, Il Mulino, 2024 pp. 380 ISBN 978-88-15-38818-6 È disponibile in libreria "Un polo solo", l' ottavo volume della serie, dedicata alle elezioni politiche, iniziata dai ricercatori CISE a partire dall'elezione del 1994. Un approfondito studio delle elezioni politiche del settembre 2022, ricco di dati e analisi originali, di un gruppo di ricercatori riunito su iniziativa del Centro Italiano di Studi...

To cite the article: Maggini, N. and Vezzoni, C. (2023). The Italian space of electoral competition in pandemic times. Italian Political Science, Volume 17, Issue 1, 34–54. The article is open access and can be accessed here. Abstract The polls on the voting intentions of Italians during the COVID-19 pandemic revealed substantial stability of electoral orientations in the first phase of the pandemic, while they detected a certain fluidity after the birth of the Draghi government, specifically with...